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There is free and easy money out there on the net.  I searched around and found it. I know how hard times can be. Sometimes even just a few extra bucks in your pocket can mean a lot. Well, I am living proof that these companies do pay!  I know that once you start receiving checks, you too will be hooked. Check back here often as I will be adding more sites as I find them. However you slice it, who couldn't use a few extra bucks.             

                         I personally receive payments!

You can do what I do and sign up for everything and anything that will offer you cash. You can take surveys which can earn you anywhere from 1$ to 25$ not bad for five minutes of your time! Or you can sign up for programs that earn you points and when you have earned enough you can redeem them for cash or gifts! I personally have joined all of the programs I will list here in my pages. So far I have gotten checks anywhere from 3$ to 15$ on up. I have received test products I got to keep! Also I have cashed in points for 25$ and 50$ gift certificates for places like Wal-mart, K-mart and gas stations. In the case of receiving gifts, I have ordered many movies and even a play station2 starter kit. There is no end to what you can achieve once you set your mind to it!

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I have also added a free page site. With listings of my favorite sites to acquire free stuff. Samples, coupons, name it it's out there.  So no matter what your fancy there is free cash, prizes and samples out there for the taken. So why not join up  For Free!  at any and all the places I have set up for you...... Make money and earn free gifts, all while having fun!

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