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unknown female
Issue: 685
Cover: an unknown woman

I apologize for jumping right into the action but I'm missing about a dozen issues that span the length of time between U.S. issue 55 and now. Also, remember that I'm translating from Chinese (which I am very much a novice at) so things may be a bit hazy. I will try to improve with each following issue. So lets get right to the story.

The devious Chan Ou Wan (for more information on Chan see the mini bio below) has now become a reluctant travelling companion of a new character known only as Ancestor. Companion may be a misleading word, he has actually become more of a lacky. They are in search of a woman from Ancestors' past. Ancestor is an older man with long white hair, a moustache, goutee and a huge scar running A nervous Maggie diagonally across his face. He is very much a mystery right now but as time goes on we will learn more and more about him.

Elsewhere, Tiger Wong is at the tail end of a fight against a new Global Cult heavy. He's a scaly green fellow named All Souls who, similar to Herman the Taoist, is capable of transforming from a normal fighter into a fearsome monster. With the battle going badly for him All Souls decides his best bet is to head for the hills rather than continue to fight Tiger. A female assasin dressed in pink attacks but Gold Dragon puts her down with his Heart Demolishing Drill (I know they call it the Heart Demolishing Shovel in the English version but since I translated it to drill and that seems to be a more accurate description so I'm sticking with it). Gold Dragon's drill rips open the assasins shirt revealing her ample cleavage. An embarassed Guy looks away out of politeness but only succeeds in giving her a free attack. The assasin drives off bumping Baldy in the process. The four heroes The Mighty Ancestor are left to mourn the death of their friend Heartbreak Kid. Tiger Wong renews his vow to destroy Global Cult.

Meanwhile, Ancestor and Chan are hiking through the mountains. When Chan asks that they slow the pace down, Ancestor just shoots him an angry look and calls him useless. Chan tries to explain that his slowness is due to recent battle injuries. Suddenly, Ancestor is alerted to a sound. He hears a cecada zipping through the forest. Ancestor tells Chan to stay behind while he heads off into the woods. He raises his arm and sends out a vortex of energy to pull down the cecada but it dodges and flies over to Maggie, who happens to be walking through the woods dressed in army fatigues (for more information on maggie see the mini bio below). The cecada lands on Maggie's hat. She grabs it and puts it in a bag. After some brief dialog she decides to join up with Ancestor and Chan. Later, Maggie is spooked by Ancester and shoves a huge knife into his chest. Ancestors' inhuman inner power prevents any real injury.

Mini Bio: Chan Ou Wan must be considered the arch-enemy of the Oriental Heroes. He is their longest surviving opponent as well as the most hated due to his part in killing Tiger Wong's brother Dragon Wong. Chan is a handsome, well dressed young man who utilizes his families signature Bone Cracking Kung Fu, combined with Tiger Wong's Nine Suns Kung Fu and even Gold Dragon's Golden Armor Kung Fu. Add to this his immunity to poison and his ability to create poison from his own blood and you have one of the most lethal fighter's around. Chan is untrustworthy to the core. The Oriental Heroes universe is littered with people that Chan has backstabbed including his old girlfriend Orchid Blossom, his so called godfather Skeleton Secretary and even his own father Dude Chan.

Mini Bio II: Maggie is the younger sister of Incredible Chap and girlfriend of The Supreme. Maggie has some slight kung fu talent. Why she is here I have no idea.

Blood stained Barbarian
Issue: 686
Cover: Barbarian

This issue is very difficult to translate. It contains a lot of text that is hard to follow so I don't have much to say about it. It could basically be removed with almost no loss of continuity

Barbarian returns to Red Sect headquarters. He is met by a fellow who is perhaps Barbarians' younger brother whom I shall refer Island to as Island. Island has returned after a long absence. He notices how much Silver Chime has changed now that she is a fully grown eighteen year old (for more information on Silver Chime see the mini bio below). Green Serpent invites Island to be a guest of Red Sect but he declines. Island challenges Barbarian to a fight. Barbarian is curious to see how good a fighter Island is so he accepts the challenge.

Island lunges forward with a claw to Barbarians face but backs off before striking. He then uses his blazing speed to swarm around Barbarian delivering multiple claw shots. The strikes seem to have little to no effect and Barbarian backhands him knocking him backwards. Island rebounds and meets Barbarian palm to palm in a test of inner power. After some tense straining from both combatants Island is knocked backwards into a van and the fight is over.

Mini Bio I: Barbarian is head of Red Sect and one of the very top fighters in the Oriental Heroes universe. He has defeated The Supreme and fought Lone Kwoon Tin to a draw. Barbarian battled Old Supreme at the end of the U.S. series but I'm not sure who won.

Mini Bio II: Silver Chime is the younger sister of Barbarian. Gold Dragon and she have been romantically linked in the past causing some tension with Barbarian. Chime was recently kidnapped by Global Cult and used as a pawn in there power struggle with Red Sect. Obviously she is now back home with her big brother.

Ancestor at various life stages
Issue: 687
Cover: Ancestor at various life stages.

Global Cult is using the current period of peace to rebuild their strength while Old Supreme recovers from his battle with Barbarian.

Ancestor, Chan Ou Wan and Maggie are still wandering around. There destination is Global Cult headquarters where Maggie with some food Ancestor intends to meet up with Old Supreme. After the three set up camp Maggie offers Ancestor some meat which he declines. Apparently he has a strange diet in which he subsists on nothing more than tiny pills which he designed himself. Perhaps this is where he gets his inhuman powers. Ancestor sort of bullies Maggie into eating one of the pills. The pill fills her with energy. She feels light as a feather and leaps a good twenty feet into the air. After the fun with the pill has subsided they set off again. As they travel along a waft of fishy smelling air hits them from a nearby forest and out steps an angry tiger (an actual tiger, not Tiger Wong). Ancestor quietly approaches the ferocious tiger and frightens him off with his intense stare. The three end up at a small bar where Maggie tells Ancestor that she needs to return to Global Cult.

Incredible Chap, along with some Global Cult underlings are out digging up a grave. All Souls bursts from the ground in his demonic form and begins slaughtering the Cults' thugs. Incredible Chap looks on concerned.

Ancestor and Chan head off again and happy maggie meet up with about a dozen armed Global Cult guards at a border crossing. Ancestor uses poisen to kill the guards and then walks past the gate. He steps on a mine and is apparently blown to bits.

Mini Bio : Incredible Chap is of course this websites namesake. He was not my first choice in fact he was about my fourth or fifth choice but the rest were already taken. Chap is one of Global Cult's top assasins and the head of Administration Department. Incredible Chap is a brilliant young fighter who has risen up quickly through the ranks, partially because of his fantastic fighting skills and partially because his sister is dating The Supreme. His fighting style is Shaolin King Kong Kung Fu. Alright, stop snickering I realize it's a dumb name for a fighting technique.

Heroes' factoid: Chan Ou Wan is one of the few characters' in the U.S. version who's name was never translated. In China your family name comes first so Chan in the U.S. would be his last name. Chan or Chen translates to old as in an object like an antique. Ou or Ao translates to haughty or proud. Wan or Wahn translates to clouds. So he could have been named Arrogant Cloud.

Old Supreme and Ancestor
Issue: 688
Cover: Ancestor (top right) and Old Supreme

Obviously, Ancestor was not killed (or even damaged) by the explosion. Global Cult surveilance cameras' catch the action and The Supreme is quickly alerted that Ancestor is approaching. The Supreme issues an order to have Ancestor and Chan Ou Wan intercepted. A pair of low level Global Cult assasins and two soldiers in the area are sent to stop White and Black Commander them. The first assasin is a black fighter, named Black Commander, who carries an enormous machete. The other is a spiked mace weilding albino named White Commander. As the soldiers are about to cross a stone bridge, leaves from the trees around them drop from above and slice into there bodies like knives. Ancestor is using his hovering pace to walk in the sky near the treetops. It only takes a moment for Ancestor to eliminate the two commanders.

Incredible Chap then strolls up from out of the woods and introduces himself to Ancestor as Labor Department head. Chan Ou Wan, who is less than pleased to see Chap, challenges him to a test of inner power. The two rivals clasp hands and begin to exert force in Chan looking a bit fey a deadly test of wills. The energy of their combined inner power begins to rip up the ground beneath them. After some tense straining, Incredible Chap proves to be the more powerful of the two and begins to force back Chan's wrist. Chan replies by exhaling a cloud of black poison into Incredible Chap's face, forcing him to back away. Ancestor pushes Chap further back with a beam of energy. Chap is blown backwards towards a boulder but his dangerous momentum is stopped by All Souls. All Souls attacks Ancestor but ends up getting killed in the process.

Suddenly a whirlwind whips up and from within the maelstrom appears Old Supreme along with his zyther. Old Supreme (for more information on Old Supreme see mini bio below) has continued to de-age and now appears even younger than his children. Old Supreme begins to play his zyther sending out a shockwave of sound. The deafening sound incapacitates Chan Ou Wan and Incredible Chap. Ancester counters the noise with his own powerful voice and shatters the zyther leaving Old Supreme with a stunned look.

Mini Bio: Old Supreme is the previous head of Global Cult. Old Supreme has reached the highest grade (35) of kung fu possible in his families fighting style, Hin Yuan Heaven Opener. His kung fu is so advanced that he has actually reversed his aging process knocking off around 50 years. He's been having a tough time lately having just lost two sons, Fourth Commander and Jupiter.

Tiger Wong
Issue: 689
Cover: Tiger Wong

The reminents of the zyther, shattered into hundreds of pieces, float to the ground. Old Supreme simply laughs at the situation and introduces himself to Ancestor. The two begin having an amicable conversation until Ancestor begins holding his head in pain and bolts off into the woods. Chan Ou Wan is aware that Ancestor is suffering from some sort of illness. Ancestor reappears and begins ranting and raving about his sword. He refers to his sword as Energy Soldier. He seems to be quite insane at this point. An Insane Ancestor Ancestor points his arm in the air and controls Energy Soldier using his vast inner power. The sword flies through the air, and then heads straight towards Ancestors' neck. With mere inches of space left it turns up at a ninety degree angle and heads into the sky. Energy Soldier then slowly decends towards Ancestor and begins circling around him. Faster and faster it flies, whipping up a whirlwind before burying itself in the ground like a brilliant bolt from the heavens. Then a calm returns. The only sound being the sound of a gentle breeze. Ancestor walks over and grabs up his sword. Old Supreme, who himself has achieved Kung Fu's highest grade, is shocked to see power that even he is incapable of. Ancestor has mastered skills of the ancients. Off in the distance The Supreme (for more information on The Supreme see mini bio below) watches it all through binoculars.

Meanwhile, Tiger Wong, Gold Dragon and the rest of the Oriental Heroes are hanging out in a house somewhere. They have surprisingly been absent for three complete issues. A man walks in and offers them a briefcase filled with money to perform a task for him.

Elsewhere, Lone Kwoon Tin (for more information on Lone Kwoon Tin see mini bio below) is walking down the street with some Global Cult goons when an armored car suddenly swerves and attempts to hit him. The car misses Lone and two helmeted motorcyclists burst from the rear of the car. A big fight ensues with Lone Kwoon Tin and the Global Cult thugs defending themselves. Another helmeted fellow The New Old Supreme jumps from a hatch in the top of the armored car and shoots Lone Kwoon Tin three times in the back.

Mini Bio: The Supreme is one of the five sons of Old Supreme and current head of Global Cult. He has had some real problems lately. He nearly lost control of the cult after he was defeated in a fight against Barbarian. Then his father Old Supreme temporarily took over as leader. Now he appears to be back in control. The Supreme remains one of the best fighters around having reached Grade 31 in Hin Yuan Heavan Opener Kung Fu.

Mini Bio: Lone Kwoon Tin is sort of a freelance fighter currently aligned with Global Cult. In the past he has worked with White Sect and Red Sect. He is an immensely powerful fighter who on one occasion fought Barbarian himself to a draw. Lone Kwoon Tin is a soft spoken practitioner of the Taoist Achievment Kung Fu but be wary, he is very untrustworthy and has consistently turned his back on those who considered him an ally.

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