K.C. Indie Pizza
February, 2002

The Bush Dyslexicon

consumer culture
Jared and his Giant Pants

Waldo Pizza: pizza that's actually good, ads that are actually funny

old stuff

steven's site
mac tonnies
jason's site

“It shouldn’t matter who’s speaking, their background or ‘qualifications’ for saying it. What matters is the question: ‘Is what you say true?’”
--Noam Chomsky

The old Indie Pizza is gone ... a victim of its narrow mission. The new Indie Pizza has a much broader scope, but the same spirit as its predecessor (not to mention the same simple design).

So what's this all about? Indie Pizza looks deep into society, and does not acquiesce. There's a time and place for complaining, and this is it.

Indie Pizza does not seek passive readers. If you disagree with something, let it be known. If you agree with something, please let that be known too. Write an article, send an e-mail or post on the discussion board. Feedback is always good. Original feedback is even better.

And when you like something on this site, don't forget to tell everyone you know.