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Koil Thiru Agaval  ( «è£ò¤ô¢  Üèõô ¢)

Written by Pattinathar (ð좮ùî¢î££¢)10th Century, AD

Meditate on Him, O! Mind, meditate on Him, (on) Siva, the golden-hued Lord of Thillai+
Meditate on Him, O! Mind, meditate on Him! Life is like a mirage, a whirlwind and Unreal, foster not thine body,
As that which is born dies and that which Dies is reborn! That which appears doth disappear and
That which disappears doth reappear; That which is prosperous becomes pernurious and
That which is remembered is forgotten and That which is forgotten is remembered;
That which unites, separates; That which separates, unites;
That which is consumed turned excrement, That which is worn becomes unclean;
That which is loved is hated and That which is hated is loved;

And All these, you have well understood Besides, in the cycle of your births,
You had killed and you were killed, You consumed (your kills) and you were consumed,
You possessed (wealth) and you were possessed,
You sheltered (many lives) and you were sheltered (by many),
You were opulent; you were impecunious; You sojourned in Heaven; You wallowed in Hell.
 Happiness and suffering in this world, you experienced; And experienced them in turns alternately.

Your body is like a bubble, a bird's nest (sheltering your life)  And such an ephemeral and real cage,
You esteemed its strength as harder than stone. (But Lo!) Slime (Rheum) and tears emit from an orifice,
And through another, doth wax exude, Mucus from one, spittle and phlegm from another,
Excreta from one and micturition and pus from another,
Journeying from inside, they turn fetid outside, In the end it (the body) is but burnt bones.

Introspect on its ephemerality. And fasten your thoughts on Him (Siva), the wearer of scented Konrai flowers,* and
Imbibe His everlasting bliss That will serve as shade against the cycle of births
To kill the ego and not to yearn after illusury things To overcome the effects of good and bad
To escape from the chain of births and deaths To destroy ignorance, the cause of all evils
To wipe out the darkening influence of the ' I ' To extirpate the states, high and low
To avoid the here and the hereafter.

The Chief and the Light of Thillai The Lord of Akasa and of Ananda Thandavam
Like wax melting in fire, devoutly meditate on Him On the golden hued Lord of Thillai,
O!  Mind, Meditate on Him! O! Mind. meditate on Him. On Siva, the golden hued Lord of Thillai.
Meditate on Him, O! Mind, meditate on Him.

 Indus Handicrafts

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