What if Treize didn't actually die but survived and went into hiding until the end of GW/Endless Waltz?

Treize makes a comeback, thinking he can have the world at his beck and call to be threatened with distruction every time they don't do what he wants. But - he's got another thing coming!

Rating: PG.
pairings: None, I don't play that boring crap.


-From Gundam Wing:

- Treize Khushrenada
- Zechs Merquise
- Mariamaia Khushrenada, Treize's daughter.

Gundam pilots:
- Duo Maxwell
- Trowa Barton
- Quatre Raberba Winner
- Heero Yuy
- Chang Wufei.

-From other fiction:

Pippi Longstocking, once a famous little girl character in books, now a grown a woman:

- Diane Meace, Australian reporter.
- Nandrey Stevens, British reporter.
- Crystal and Mike, two people who happen to be there, putting in their 2cents worth.
- Capri, kickbutt fairy.

Download or listen to the What's Happening wav to hear the characters talk and interact!

Diane Meace, Australian reporter: "Hello and welcome to "What's Happening" the show that explores and informs. I'm Diane Meace. Jennah-Rae is on vacation, and Pippi Longstocking is filling in for her - nice to have you here, Pippi."

Pippi Longstocking: "Thank you, Diane."

Diane: "Terrorists disguised as gentlemen, cheating death, trying to gain world domination under the pretext of achieving peace. However muddled up the philosophy is, that's what has kept the Gundam contingent going. This includes the head of the elite taskforce known as the Specials, and the Oz organization."

Treize Khushrenada, head of Oz/the Specials: "Fellow comrades,"

Heero Yuy, gundam pilot: "I have no comrades."

Pippi: "Treize Khushrenada, a good leader and classy gentleman...well, no...!"

Treize: "Valuable combat resources,"

Mike: Oh no, not another of his stupid rambles!"

Treize: Are you talking about our soldiers?" *fart*

Crystal, looking disgusted at Treize: "Excuse you."

Treize: "Or are you talking about mobile suits?"

Crystal: "Like, who cares?"

Mike, slight sneer: "So much for the classy Treize Khushrenada."

Capri, fairy: "Revolting..."

Treize, dazzled by his own perceived eloquence, oblivious to the disgust around him: "The new future will be created by my organization,"

Capri, looking as scornful and bored as anyone possibly can: "Wake me up when this is over."

Treize: "Oz."

Crystal: "Down with oz."

Capri: *snore*

Pippi: "Heero Yuy and Mike are clearly unimpressed with Treize. Crystal and Capri are bored and disgusted. But Treize has his minnions coming to his defense."

Zechs Merquise AKA Miliardo Peacecraft: "Counting on dying are you?"

Pippi: "That is Treize's henchman, Zechs Merquise."

Zechs: "My name is Miliardo Peacecraft."

Diane: "'Miliardo? Sounds like it can't decide what gender it is."

Zechs, ignoring Diane for the moment: "I declare that we will eliminate the earth--"

Capri, sneering openly: "Oh, sure!"

Crystal to Zechs: "Stop lying!"

Mariamaia Khushrenada: "There should be no reason for that so long as all of mankind will bow before me!"

Pippi: *frowning* "Mariamaia Khushrenada."

Diane: *rolling eyes* "Treize's kid?"

Mariamaia: "of course it is! See for yourself just how powerless you are!"

Crystal: *shaking her head* "Somebody ought to put the poor misguided child on a leash."

Treize, taking offense: "Shoot 'em down for me, Zechs."

Nandrey Stevens, British reporter: *glaring at Treize* "Grow up!"

Mike to Nandrey: "That's telling him."

Zechs: *staring mennacingly "You're about to learn a lesson."

Capri: *flicking hair back* "Woops...I forgot to be scared." *looking anything but.*

Mariamaia: *bewildered by Capri's refusal to be intimidated* "What a miserable person!"

Capri: *looks sternly at Mariamaia* "Stop whining!*

Nandrey: *indicating Capri but speaking to Mariamaia* "Mariamaia, if I was you I would not push my luck with her."

Pippi: "A signal from Treize, Zechs gets ready to attack."

Zechs: *same mennacing stare* "The real crushing blow is yet to come." *fart*

Nandrey: *disgusted look at Zechs* "Where are your manners? You don't impress or intimidate me."

Diane: "Perturbed by British correspondant Nandrey Stevens, Treize and Zechs launch a gas attack using biological weapons."

Sound effects need no explanation

Diane: "What a stench!"

Sound of someone making a fast exit.

Diane: "Mike beats a hasty retreat but passes out soon after and is taken to hospital. Those that can, throw open the windows to let the stench out and the oxygen in.

New arrivals come on the scene.

Quatre Winner, gundam pilot: "Give up your weapons and surrender, and I'll spare your lives!"

Diane: "The other gundam boys arrive in time to witness Capri giving Zechs the good old fashioned 1-2 punch."

Capri: *punch punch*

Zechs: *fall*

Diane: "Treize tries to interfere and receives the same treatment."

Capri: *mean punch*

Treize: *stumbles back and groans*

Pippi: "The other gundam boys may not be on friendly terms with Treize and Zechs, but they still make their living by killing." *frown of disapproval*

Diane: "This is unfortunately true, pippi, and because they are so volatile, just as one fight finishes, another one starts."

Trowa Barton, gundam pilot: "People may think of it as foul play, but it suits me just fine."

Quatre: "They're violent and dangerous, but they're all really nice guys."

Pippi: *shaking her head* "That makes about as much sense as a cold fire."

Chang Wufei, gundam pilot: "Get out of my sight, you weaklings!"

Duo Maxwell, gundam pilot: *very mennacingly* "Don't go getting me angry...Not if you value your life!"

Nandrey: *very displeased look at Duo* "Mister, you need to get one of your own!"

Chang Wufei: "You...LOSER!"

Nandrey: *very firmly* "All right, settle down!"

Wufei: "I can't stand the sight of you!"

Quatre: "In that case, I'm just gonna have to kill you."

Capri: *twiddling thumbs* "Okay, this is way too boring..."

Heero Yuy: "You've gone crazy, and I'm gonna kill you!"

Duo: "You'll all die! Anyone who sees me's got a date with his maker!"

Nandrey: *condescending toward Duo* "and this is where I'm supposed to shake in my shoes..."

Duo: *offended* "If you're joking, that's cruel. But if you're being sarcastic, that's even worse!"

Heero: "You're in over your head."

Crystal: "That's enough!"

Nandrey to Crystal: "Yes...Let's give these schmucks a sendoff they won't forget!"

Capri: *grinning at the idea* "They're not gonna like this."

Crystal: "Too bad for them."

Diane: While the gundam boys boast, posture, and snipe at one another, Treize and Zechs continue trying to kill us all by farting themselves stupid."

Pippi: "Not that they weren't already there before the attacks, Diane, but their actions remove any doubt."

Diane: "Confined to one room while the authorities are on the way, Treize and Zechs, and the other gundam boys begin to panic. They can't use deadly weapons in such a small area - and to make things worse, the gundanium alloy present in their possessions or on their clothes, works against them here. Duo Maxwell shoots a compact version of his deadly light beam at Treize, Zechs, and Capri."

Shooting sound

Diane: "Hitting Capri first, it is ineffective except for being reflected by her watch so that it is returned on Maxwell, who shrinks back and passes out."

Shooting and falling sound.

Diane: "This gives Capri time to take the weapon from him and turn it on Treize and Zechs."

More sound effects.

Diane: "It reacts with the altered gundanium alloy and the terrorists themselves, actually changing their physical form."

More sounds.

Pippi: *trying to keep from laughing and get the grin off her face* "Treize and Zechs take on their true form, you might say."

Series of chattery squeaking sounds.

Pippi: "Zechs, a rat, Treize, a shrew!"

Mariamaia: "he's not gonna be able to achieve anything!"

Pippi: "The rest of the gundam contingent except Mariamaia are turned into mice. Thankfully this stops Treize and Zechs from polluting the atmosphere, but Capri will have a difficult time explaining this one to the authorities."

Diane: "When the footage is shown, everyone has a good laugh. With the identities of the terrorists clear despite their altered condition, they are arrested and jailed to await trial, and the time when they might get their human form back."

Sound of jail door shutting.

Diane: "Treize's daughter, Mariamaia, sorry, I don't know the correct way to pronounce her name and neither she nor anyone else is helping me out here...So until I hear different, I'll call her Maria. She's put into foster care and will receive psychological treatment. Hopefully it isn't too late to prevent her growing up like Treize, a self-important killer with no respect for the human race."

Pippi: "At her tender age, she's already taken hostages, and taken a crippling shot."

Diane: "yet she still doesn't appear to have given up on following in Treize's footsteps and trying to rule or destroy the world."

Pippi: *serious expression* "Her want for power is disconcerting to say the very least...It will take some special people and extensive help for her to become a well adjusted citizen. It's clear Treize Khushrenada, despite his ability to charm some people, is an evil force that brings out the worst in them. From teenagers to unhappily married housewives, anyone with self-serving or sadistic tendencies, with nympho and egomania is more likely to be attracted to Treize."

Diane: "Yes, I've been trying to figure out why. Perhaps it's sex appeal combined with a longing to please and adore or emulate. Treize Khushrenada and those like him have power and an outer appearance of class, and that's what the admirers want for themselves. And the otherwise more level headed people who become fans, do so by focussing on the charming image Treize tries to project while overlooking the terrorist behind that image. A person wanting to fit in with that crowd may decide it's cool to be a groupee. To those who are not taken in by peer pressure and the dangerous charms of Treize and others like him,"

Pippi: "Kudos for being unafraid to stand up for what's right."

Diane: "I'd like to thank you Pippi, it's been a pleasure working with you on this show."

Pippi: "Oh, well thank you Diane, I enjoyed it."

Diane: "Thanks also to Nandrey, Crystal, and Capri, and Mike who is now out of hospital and doing well. Thanks everybody for tuning in to find out - What's Happening!"


Thanks to the text to speech interactive demo pages at

R Voice and
Sitepall.com for giving voice to some of the characters.