Gallery of Klingon Wrist Protectors

There are various styles of wrist armor.  Those on top are the most
popular style.  The following are variations on the style.  The
ambassador from the trek movies, has more elaborate wrist armor.  The
vinyl is embossed, giving a rich appearance.

Some wrist protectors are made from fabric, but using the same design. 
An example of this is worn by Valkris, the fabric matches her costume. 
The wrist protectors worn by Worf and Dax at their wedding ceremony, is
another example of using fabric, but they are formed by heavy cording
inside satin casing.

On DS 9, Kang, Koloth, and Kor returned to Star Trek some 20 years
after their first appearance.  Their wrist protectors were cloth (Ultra
suede) with braid, and some according.  All three opened on the bottom,
which you can see from Koloth's version.

Again on DS 9, in the "Children of Time", the wrist protectors had only
cording, but we're more shaped to resemble the original design.

The symbols that appear on the wrist protectors, appear in various
versions.  In some cases they were painted on, raised metal appearing is
the most often used version.  The size of the symbol, is regulated by the
size of the wrist protector, and/or style.  For example, they were much
larger, raised higher, in the Undiscovered Country to fit with the large
over puffed costumes.

They can be created easily enough using Sculpy/Fimo.  Just roll-out your
clay, and lay the design on the surface.  Use an exacto knife to cut away
excess clay.  Then sculpt out the hole.  By using a paint spatula, push
down some of the surfaces for visual interest.  Place on the glass tray,
and bake according to instructions.  After that you seal them with glaze. 
At this point you can paint them with whatever gold metallic paint you
choose.  Once they are done to your liking, glue them on with super glue.

Another method uses plastocene.  Sculpt your symbols, (you can do a
couple of different sizes for a ship project).  Next cast them in plaster
(either hydrocal or Durabond 90).  When the plaster is dry, carefully dig
out the plastocene.  Fill any holes or imperfections, and cast latex in the
mold.  Once the latex has cured, carefully pull the latex out of the mold. 
Use craft scissors to cut off the flashing(the extra stuff on the sides.) 
Paint the latex and glue it onto the wrist protectors.

The only klingons who do not use this symbol, is the house of Martok.

Click here for the full-size pattern of the gold metallic symbol.

Click here for the patterns and construction techiques of the
typical wrist protector.

Gallery of my wrist protectors