About This Site

Why this site? Why Kat's Keep, a strange name in itself, created by someone named...Fiona? Well, take a seat, m'dear, and I'll tell you the history. Way back in August 1996, a 13-year-old Canadian girl wandered onto the web and ended up in a chatroom, where she went under the alias 'Katrina'...or Kat, for short (the name was sort of an in-joke with her best friend at the time). She visited a couple of people's homepages from there, and got interested in starting one of her own. So she signed up with Angelfire, used their basic editor to add graphics and whatever, and was so very proud of herself. But, being a curious child, within a week she wanted to do more. The basic editor suddenly wasn't enough. So she viewed a lot of source codes and taught herself HTML. And the little page grew.

Suddenly, it needed a name. Well, at that primitive time in the development of the web, people were naming their pages 'So-and-so's Homepage' or 'So-and-so's Spot on the Web'. (this was back before the days of versions, layouts, and teenybopper domains, you'll understand) But, because this little girl had a really great moving dragon on her page (which she's since lost, and has never seen again on the web) and the standard little castle bar, she decided her place was a castle -- a keep. And Fiona's Keep just sounded wrong...plus she wasn't supposed to give out her real name. And so....Kat's Keep was born.

And though she'd originally sworn off frames and the standard 'teen' layouts...she's since given in and decided that this is the look she wants for her pages. =) Of course, next week, that may all change.