infamous ralf
Hello, and welcome to infamous ralf.  This site will be dedicated to art and social and political issues and satire and articles and anything that I want to post on the site.  At this time I am sure no one will see it for awhile, unless of course someone stumbles across it by accident or providence.  So I am probably writing this intro for myself.  I find myself entertained, amused, interested, intrigued, by this site. 
There will be nothig for awhile.  I am currently compiling material, or will be tomorrow and this week, to post on the site, and I am sure that this intro will be long gone by the time it is posted and certainly by the time anyone actually sees this site.
And  I promise it will look sharper than this, really. 

All right, enough.  I am going now, so that there will actually be something of value on this site instead of just this silly introduction.
farewell, adios, hasta luego.
