True Love
Amor Verdadero
The Father de mis Hijos
What I have to say to the KU KLUX  KLAN.... u will like!
When HELL ON EARTH began  
This is MY world and for this reason I reserve the right to express ANYTHING as I see fit. If you have a problem with bad language, then do not read about things that make me angry that I have on this site. If you have a problem with pornography then dont go to my erotics page. Normally I am not so immature as I sometimes express myself (for instance my KKK page) however, as I said, this IS my little space on the net and I will do whatever I feel like doing whenever I feel like it because thats just me and if you dont like me then you shouldnt be here in the first place.
Therefore, I see no need to apologize for being me so peace and one luv to all who deserve that love.  Continue down to see what my world is about!
Previous Entries
A Thug´s Prayer
The Men that make me go  MMMMMMM!!!!
Fotos de mis amigos.
Hombres de mis fantasias
Osama Bitch Laden...
Mi  Mundo
Me llamo dicen "sweetkissez", "GangstaMami" y "SugarMami".  Soy una mezcla perfecta de Rusa, Boricua y Americana! A shout out to my Russianz, Pana´z, Boricuaz, Akhi´z, Vatoz locoz and Africano´z.. Got no love for the haterz, a.k.a KKK and other hate groups so hata playaz leave NOW!
United States of America.....on here.
God LOVES u, click here!
To my friends in New York!