Paul Sheppard's Web Portfolio

Welcome to Paul's Online Web Portfolio!! This website will include all of the work that I create in the Media Arts class I am currently attending at Central Peel S.S. We will be using such programs as Adobe Photoshop Elements, and Macromedia Flash. Right now there isn't much but be sure to check back now and then if you want to pleasure your eyes :D. If you have any questions or comments about the site please just feel free to drop me a line at my email.

My email is, if you want a direct link just click the logo to email me, come back soon!

This section will include the links to all of the work that I do in Media Arts. Some of them will be made in Adobe Photoshop Elements and some of them will be made in Macromedia Flash MX, you will be able to tell the difference. If you have any comments or suggestions on the work feel free to email me so that I can work on it and make it better.

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