
Hello, welcome to the 'listings' page. Here, I write a brief discription of all of my pics, mainly so that I won't have to memorize each and every of my 80 odd pics to be ale to find one, so I can just look it up here. I've posted it for you guys to see incase, I dunno, you don't know what the pic is of or something. Two notes also, all the pics here have been shrunk, and don't look half as good as in full size. To see these pics bigger, click on it. Second of all, I've decided to split the pics into pages of 30 pics each to prevent you from waiting untill the next ice age for all of them on one page to load. Anyway, have fun.

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This is a pics of a girl named Wohen, a character in a story I wrote. Drawn in March 1999.

This is another pic of the lovely Wohen, now shooting some sort of powerball!

A third Wohen pics! Here, we watch her levetate and growl from the point of view of her enemy. March 1999.

This is a pic of a jungle woman hunting something. It was also drawn March '99, and is a sketch for a larger painting of the same girl I'm going to paint soon.

Ah, my pride and glory, the little blond boy. When I was first getting into anime, I did all my eyes like these, this was just supposed to be another doodle, but I went a little further. This was the first 'good' peice of anime I did. I remember drawing it at 3 a.m. and finishing at 4 a.m. To think, if I had taken those sleeping pills, I wouldn't have drawn this! It is drawn on the back of an angry letter from my mother to my father durring their dirty devorce, and the letters show. Drawn March 0f 1999.

This is a pic of a girl named 'Pan', that any of you Dragon Ball fans will recognise, as an adult. I think I'll add right here, I do NOT own Dragon Ball. Drawn March of 1999.

Another Dragon Ball pic. This time it's a quick doodle of Gohan. Drawn March of 1999.

This is another of my favorite pics. I've recently developed a love of archetecture, and wanted to draw the inside of a grand palace. The stair cases are a little gimped, but that's because I started drawing, and half way through, I noticed I only had half of the space I needed for them left. Oh well. Drawn some time in 2001.

A quick doodle of an angel. I'm an athiest, and don't believe in them one bit, but drew one anyways. And, as for her nudity, no, it's NOT porn, I just didn't feel like drawing clothes on her. I felt that would be too much. One of the rare pics drawn durring 'the Great Unispiration of 2000'.

This is another of my favorites. It's a pic of two characters in a novel I'm writing, which, may I add, I'm planning to add to this site soon, for your reading pleasure. The girl is named Narout, she's about 17 here. Narout's got a lot of spunt, she's an important captain in her family's army, assembled to regain the many people abducted from them to be used as slaves. But the story revolves more around the young boy with her. This is Narout's little brother, Benkuh, who happens to be one of those enslaved. He was enslaved at nine or ten, and being 14 here, he's lived through four years of slavery, leaving him unhealthily thin and frail. The next pic, #11, is also of Benkuh. Drawn at the bus stop in the spring of 2001. By the way, these two are the kids of a woman named Annaki, and there are many pics of her in her teens on this site. Infact, the nearest one is pic #14.

This pic is of a boy named Benkuh, the same boy as in the prior pic, #10. He's ten years old here, and 14 in the last one. The day he and the rest of his village were enslaved, he struggled relentlesly, and annoyed the slave traders, resulting in a hard slam into the side of his head from a club. It threw him back several feet. Benkuh had never been hit by his parents, nor had he ever been in a fight, so had never been hurt this badly, and all he could do has sit there in shock. Drawn shortly before the other, some time in spring of 2001.

This doodle was brought into it's inky exsistance durring lunchbreak in late spring of 2001. It's of no one in particularly.

OHOHOHOH YEEEE-EES! This yummy work here is a portrait of a boy named Ayu. He is the star of a manga/comic of mine that you will find in the Comics section shortly. You can find a lot of info about the story there, but I'll tell you a little about this obscenely beautiful character now. Ayu is from a race of gods, but is damned by one day being attacked and turned into a human (okay, the story sounds dumb, but it gets a lot better!). Usually his hair is much longer, being a god, he doesn't have any need at all to cut it, since all he does is lay around. It's blasted off by an energy ball that just barely missed his face in the battle where he was turned human. I tell you this because there are many pics of Ayu on this site, but many of them are of him with long hair, so you wouldn't have recognized him.

Ah, the fair and radiant Annaki, what light is light when Annaki is not around? She is the beautiful and spunky missing princess in my soon to be available for your reading pleasure novel. I drew this pic when I got an idea for a nifty outfit she could wear. I expected it to be just another doodle, but people seem to really like it. Well, except for my sister. She hates Annaki, I don't know why, since Annaki is practically my religion! I guess you either love her or hate her. Might I add, Annaki is the mother-to-be of the two kids, Benkuh and Narout, of pics #10 and #11. Anyway, it was drawn sometime in 2001.

The pic here is a doodle drawn durring a grade 8 Humanities class in July of 2001. I have no idea who this girl is.

From the pages of 'MathQuest8', this pic has been uploaded and nicknamed. Who she is other than 'Text Book Girl' I don't know. Drawn late 2000.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is my masterpiece. I don't know what she's named or when I drew her, but she turned out beautifully, sassily. That's what I was aiming for, I know, because I wanted to show my own personality. I love to playfully flirt and by criminally saucy. See the difference between this early 2001 piece and the first pic on this page, drawn ealry 1999? Wow!

Another angel, drawn by Pandora the athiest Conspiracy Girl! Isn't he cute?

Just another cute guy. Another of the rare pics drawn durring the 'great uninspiration of 2000'.

I drew this pic for a friend of mine, obsessed with the Redwall series by Brian Jacques. He liked it so much that he made up his own character and asked me to draw it for him. Anyway, I drew this probably in 2000, by I'm not sure.

Back in early '99, I became insanely obsessed with Japanese animation, or 'anime'. Anyway, I used to draw self-portraits in anime, and this is one of them. At the time, I wasn't as old as I drew myself in the pic, but I made anime-Pandora a little older to make her cooler (Self-Flatteration is my middle name.)

*Darth Vader theme goes here* The Great Uninspiration of 2000. The year long dry spell between my inspiring obsession with anime and the present, in which only an estimated three pics were produced. This, ladies and gentlemen, was one of them. I tried and tried to think of something, and when I couldn't, I grew angry and confused, so that was what I had to express through art. I don't really like this one, it reminds me of staring at a blank peice of paper with a pencil in my hand, hour after hour.

One thing you'll notice about me, I draw constantly, even when I don't have any paper! This doodle is a cool eye and a friend of mine that I liked so much I couldn't bear to wash it off!

This one all the way down to the end of the page are doodles of Dragon Ball characters. The next page is better stuff.

See #24.

See #24.

See #24.

See #24.

See #24.

See #24.

31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150

Pandora's Pics / Digital Art / Comics / Listings