!!!Warhammer 40,000 is on the Infinity Circuit!!!


O.k, that may have been a little over the top. However, the infinity circuit is mainly a Warhammer site, so I'm not going to write pages and pages of writing on Warhammer 40,000. All I have hear is a handful of pages, dedicated to the Imperial Guard 86th Cadian Light Infantry Battalion. Basically, this page shows how the army goes together, what the battalions colours are, who commands it and, of course, a number of stories to go with it. If anybody is mad enough to want to collect this army, then e-mail me, I'd love to see this army put into models. However, I'm to busy painting my Vampire Counts, High Elves, Bretonnians, Orks...Just to getyou in the mood I'll start with the armies background.

The 86th Cadian Light Infantry Battalion is the remnants of the 86th Cadian Regiment. However, in the defence of Extorian Prime, most of the regment was destroyed. Nearly all of the regiments armoured division was destroyed in Cornel Stimington's Grand-All-Conquering-Raid. However, the attacking Orks slaughtered the oncoing tanks, leaving a few vehicles remaining. A third of the infantry was destroyed by the Gargant's muti super mega shootas. However, the attack was eventually pushed back, along with the help of the Adeptus Astartes Starlight Chapter. It was a victory, of sorts.

The imperial defenders had won at great cost. Only a few hundred guardsmen and a handful of tanks remained. Only twenty one Space Marines remained of the Starlight Chapter. The two forces were combined to form the 86th Cadian Light Infantry Battalion. The Space Marines were attached to them for support. Together, they were left to garrison the planet of Extorian Prime.


The Battalion