
Donathagor the Blessed

David, as his real name was, was born in an Imperial city on the verge of autumn. He proved himself to be very intelligent and adept on the ways of magic even when he was but a young child. When he went angry things flew around in the house and one day he even blew out one of the walls. This caused the school of magic to take up David as a young boy. There he learned of the different schools and how they worked. He learned of the source of all magic, High Magic. But on the nights he read in the forbidden books of the other magics. Dark Magic, Necromancy, Skaven Magic, Waagh magic and finally the magic of Chaos. In some way that magic attracted this young boy of 10 years, and he learnt fast. One day, when he had finished school his mother overheard David talking to someone in his room. His mother found this strange as no-one of his friends had Plaguebearerentered. She glimpsed in and then she was struck blind. What she saw was a swirling mass of faces all gibbering madly. She heard her son talk to this "thing". She screamed out in frustration and then David reacted. He jumped out of the window, unfortunatly landing on his sister, just about to enter the house. By mistake he broke her neck. He fled down the streets of Altdorf in a desperate fray, runnig for all he was worth. When turning around a corner he ran into an old alchemist. Panicking David thought that the alchemist was a magician hunting him he unleashed a swirling mass of blue fire twisting and mutating the alchemist until nothing remained. Nothing but a small flask with a strange fluid inside. He picked it up and continued his voyage of madness. He fled from the city, now followed by a score of headhunters. He fled into the forests and there he was hiding for a long time. After a while his master once again spoke to him. He talked of a cave, where another great Warrior of the Four had been buried. Lead by his masters voice David found the cave and entered. Inside he found the corpse of an old Chaos Warrior. Everthing was covereb by cobweb and dirt. All but a sword. David picked the sword up and felt its power rush through his veins.

Listening to his masters voice telling him to rip of the armour of the corpse. He did so and clad himself in it. The armour was fused by blue fires to his body. First he was scared but as he felt no pain he was relieved. Then suddenly outside he heard a noise. The hjeadhunters had found him, and with them they had a master of the College of Amber. With no way out of the cave David released all his power in a desperate try to kill the mercenaries. His plan did not work. The headhunters entered, protected by the antimagical powers that the Amber wizard carried. Seeing no way out for his pawn Tzeentch called ou to his brother Nurgle for help. Nurgle went along, but for one gift. The shared power of Tzeentch newfound pawn. With no choice, Tzeentch had nothing to say. David was covering in the back of the cave when he saw how the headhunters screamed and fell apart still living. They parted and pus and maggots poured out from their bodies. Those who weren‹t afected fled.... When David exited the cave he felt strange. Infront of him two shadows stood. One bigger and the other slimmer. Be greeted my son the bigger one said. Here let my touch bless you. Where the shadow had touched a new arm sprouted and the surrounding skin gained a purple look. The other shadow touched David once again and said, "Your name from now on shall be Donathagor, meaning the twin blessed."

From that day Donathagor had travelled the land spreading the corruption of mind and body.

Donathagor 396 pts + 90 pts Magic Items
Total 486 pts


Weapons/Armour: The Rending Sword, Healing Potion and Chaos Armour.

Magic Items: Donathagor carries the Rending Sword (30 pts), the Healing Potion (50 pts) and wears Chaos Armour (10 pts). He may have no more magic items.

Marks: Mark of Tzeentch and Nurgle (4+ dispel and no other enemy wizard within 6" can cast spells) Yes that means NO OTHER enemy wizard. Not just another enemy wizard of lower level.

Magic User: Donathagor is a level 4 Sorcerer that can take spells from Tzeentch and Nurgle.

Save: 4+


Donathagor may lead the army but there may be no Khornate or Slaaneshi units in it then.

He will never ride a Disc of Tzeentch.

Tips: Put him on a chaos steed. This gives him a save of 2+, a steed with a save of 3+ three wounds and many attacks. He can get around quickly and so use his close combat spells easier and get the enemy wizards within 6".

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