The Kingdom of Estalia İMike Allen 1996

Estalian Timeline

Imperial Year



Elves from Ulthuan settle in north west Estalia. Their city of Athel Ellyria is the site of the future port of Bilbao.


Fernando de Aragona settles his people near the site of the future city of Cordoba. Trade with the elves helps to advance the skills of his people. He becomes the first king of Aragon.


Caradryel the Phoenix King recalls the elves from the old world. A few elf families settle in the forests taking their elven steeds with them.


Earthquakes which destroy Skavenblight cause a tidal wave which almost totally destroys the city of Athel Ellyria. After a few years Luiz de Portua moved his people into the ruins and commences building Bilbao


Skaven tunnels are cut through the mountains of Estalia and Skaven of Clan Esrit raid the Estalian lands taking slaves and plunder.


King Juan I of Castilla builds the first walls around Magritta hoping to keep out the Skaven and Barbarii raiders from Araby.


Emir Fasail al Akmet of the Mhorii invades Estalia with his Barbarii allies. Magritta is sacked and the Castillan people enslaved. Within a few years only Cordoba and Bilbao are free.


Work is completed on the first stage of the city of Grenada, built of white marble and gold leaf, funded by the plunder of Estalia.


Warlord Asriz of Clan Esrit attacks Grenada from tunnels made into the sewers. The troops of the Mhorri are surprised and half the city is destroyed before the Skaven are driven off.


Alfredo I of Portua marches his army across the Rio Tigre to expand his realm into the lands of the Basquoni. He is never seen again, his army disappearing into the dusty plains.


Carlos de Aragona becomes king and takes on the ancient, but at this time purely honorary, title of High King of Estalia.


Ambassadors from Carlos reach the rapidly forming Empire under Sigmar and succeed in forming an alliance.


Isolde, sister of Sigmar, marries Carlos and assisted by her brother's advisors reorganises the army.


After 5 years of war, Isolde retakes Magritta driving the forces of Araby back to Grenada. Isolde discovers Carlos is a secret chaos worshiper and kills him as he attempts to murder her. A few months later she is assassinated by a friend of Carlos who is a known magic user. The army retaliates with a countrywide purge of magic users. Fernando Duke of Aragon ascends the throne.


Forces of Ismail Emir of Grenada beseige Magritta. The seige lasts four years before a Skaven attack on Grenada forces Ismail to retire. As a result of the attack a fortified harbour is built in Magritta to enable supplies to be brought by sea in the event of a seige, and the resources of Castilla are focused on building a large war fleet.


A brief civil war breaks out between Portua and Aragona over the power of the High King. Aragona wins a decisive battle at Belsabino and the Portuans sign the Treaty of Acceptance which recognises the supremacy of the High King of Estalia.


Clan Pestilens establishes a base just east of Cordoba but are unable to tunnel under the solid granite hill of the city. They decide to concentrate on Brettonia instead. The base is handed over to Clan Mors in return for support within the council of 13. A major attack on Cordoba is driven off with heavy losses to both sides.


Clan Mors arrange for Clan Pestilens to release the Black Plague into the crowded city of Magritta. Within weeks the plague races through the land. By the end of the year over two thirds of the population had perished and the Skaven swept over the land splitting apart the kingdoms and towns into small pockets of resistance. The Mhorii in Grenada were far less affected by the plague due to their superior medicine and cleanliness. Their armies slowly moved west encircling Magritta and moving within a day's march of Cordoba.


Abas el Ajid, infamous necromancer of Khemri, flees from his enemies and arrives in Grenada. His attempts to seize power draws the armies of the Emir back to the city and the hard pressed Estalians regain some of their lost lands in competition with the Skaven. Many attribute the intervention of the divine Isolde for the reprieve.


After many years of victories and setbacks, the Skaven are driven back into their mountain bases. The High King, Fernando XII regains acceptance of his authority over Estalia as only the land around Grenada remains in enemy hands.


Warlord Eskridt of Clan Mors is under enormous pressure from the Council of Thirteen to regain their holding in Estalia. Using the ravings of Alphonso X of Castilla as evidence, the agents of Eskridt convince their ally, Sultan Jaffar an enemy of the Mhorri, that the Castillans plan an invasion of Araby. Jaffar surprises the port of Magritta by an assault from the sea while Clan Eshin agents sabotage the boom across the harbour. After sacking the city, Jaffar returns with his booty to Araby.


Enraged, Alphonso calls on Fernando XII of Aragon and Rodriga II of Portua to mount a crusade against the forces of Araby. In this they are assisted by a force of Brettonians. Alphonso and Fernando crush Jaffar at Al-Haikk but at a terrible cost. Rodriga fails miserably in his attack on Grenada. The Emir of Grenada, Akmed el Shair, aided by the necromancer Algarif drives all before him and is only halted at the gates of Cordoba and Bilbao.


Tomas Crenardi, later know as "de Tobaro" and "the Pure", is born in Tobaro.


After years in the haunted mountains east of Cordoba, Tomas arrives in Cordoba and rekindles the cult of Isolde.


After nearly 3000 years of occupation the revitalised army of Estalia drives the Mhorii from their land. Magritta is destroyed but Grenada captured intact. Fernando marries Isabelle of Castilla to merge the two kingdoms.


Tomas uses the Inquisition to take over the administration of the nation. As part of the changes Bilbao, Magritta and Grenada became the only ports to have contact with the outside world. The bridge across the Tigre is closed to access from the east and only Royal Caravans are allowed to travel to Tobaro. The rest of the nation is insulated from the evil of the outside world becoming increasingly controlled by the Inquisition and the fanatical cult of Isolde.


Tomas dies but the power of the Inquisition continues to grow.


The Tobaran entrepreneur and explorer Christoforo Colonbi, with patronage from Fernando XXV and his queen Isabelle, "discovers" Lustria on his way to finding a sea route west to Cathay. His son, Don Christo de Lustria, establishes colonies against the fierce opposition of the natives.


Don Cortez de Cordoba with his "Conquistadores" blazes a trail of destruction in central Lustria sacking ancient native temples, Dark Elf outposts and a Clan Pestilens stonghold. On his way home his fleet is attacked by High Elf reavers and half the treasure is lost. The Inquisition swear vengeance against the elves of Ulthuan. The power of Estalia is at its height as it stands alone against all its enemies.