Warhammer Tilean Army

Tilean Army List

[ Tilean Army List | Tilean History and Geography ]

Created by David Rauscher (drausche@nab.org)

Army Selection

     0  -  50%     Characters
     25 -  100%    Regiments
     0  -  25%*    War Machines
     0  -  25%     Allies

* This value may be increased to 35% if Count Leo da Vincenza is included in your army.


Hand Weapon            Free
Extra Weapon             1
Double-handed Weapon     2
Flail                    1
Spear / Trident          1
Halberd                  2
Lance                    2
Spear-hook               2 (Windfinders only) 
Harpoon                  *

* May only be used by Leviathan Hunters, and is included in their cost.


Bow          2 
Crossbow     3
Sling        1
Pistol       2 (Reasoners only)


Shield     1
Light Armor          2 (Windfinders may not wear armor.) 
Heavy Armor          3 (Windfinders may not wear armor.) 
Horse Barding        4
Cloak of Commitment  *

* May only be used by certain units as specified in the army list, the points are included in their base cost.


1 GENERAL (100 points)

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Tilean General     4     6     6     4     4     3     6     4     9

Equipment: Sword.
Weapons / Armor: The General may be given any combination of weapons and armor provided in the army list.
May Ride: The General may ride a warhorse for +3 points, or a monster selected from the appropriate list.
Magic Items: The General is a Lord level character, and therefore may be given as many as three Magic Items.

0-1 BATTLE STANDARD (80 points)

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Tilean Battle
   Standard Bearer 4     4     4     4     3     1     4     2     7

Equipment: Sword and Battle Standard.
Weapons / Armor: The Battle Standard Bearer be given any combination of weapons and armor provided in the army list.
May Ride: The Battle Standard Bearer may ride a warhorse for +3 points, or a monster.
Magic Items: The Battle Standard Bearer may carry a single Magic Item. This may be a Magic Banner, changing the army standard to a Magic Standard.

HEROES (65 points)

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Hero               4     5     5     4     4     2     5     3     8

Equipment: Sword.
Weapons / Armor: A hero may be armed with any combination of weapons / armor in the army list.
May Ride: A hero may ride a warhorse for +3 points or a monster.
Magic Items: A hero may be given two Magic Items.

CHAMPIONS (30 points)

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Champion           4     4     4     4     3     1     4     2     7

Equipment: A champion is always armed as the rest of the unit.
Magic Items: A champion may be given one Magic Item.


Your army may include Priests of the White Path and/or Windfinder Casters (Water Magic). The teachings of "Reason" in the north and the prominance of the Great Potentate in the south effectively deter anyone from exploring the traditional magic colleges, so traditional color wizards are rare.

Water Magic Casters

Water Casters use Water Magic.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD  Points  Magic Items
Water Seeker       4     3     3     3     4     1     4     1     7      56     1
Water Finder       4     3     3     4     4     2     4     1     7     118     2
Water Drinker      4     3     3     4     4     3     5     2     7     190     3 
Water Maker        4     3     3     4     4     4     6     3     8     287     4

Equipment: Hand weapon.
Weapons / Armor: Water Magic Casters may wield any of the weapons provided in the army list. Windfinders, as a rule, never wear armor (and a good thing, because armor would interfere with their ability to use magic).
May Ride: Windfinder Casters will not ride a mount.
Special Abilities: Water Casters are Windfinders. Therefore, the normal rules for swimming apply.

Priests of the White Path

Priests of the White Path use Follower Magic.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD  Points  Magic Items
Believer           4     3     3     3     4     1     4     1     7      61     1
Follow             4     4     3     4     4     2     4     1     7     128     2
Inquisitor         4     4     3     4     4     3     5     2     7     205     3
Potentate          4     5     3     4     4     4     6     3     8     307     4
Warhorse           8     3     0     3     3     1     3     1     5     +3

Equipment: Priests are armed with a mace.
Weapons / Armor: Unlike regular wizards, armor does not affect the flow of magic for White Path priests. Therefore, they may use any weapon or armor provided in the army lists.
May Ride: Priests may ride either a horse or a warhorse. Priests believe all other creatures are "unnatural," so will not ride monsters.

"True Freedom only comes by surrendering your soul to the Way."
-Follower chant


The Men of Luccini

0-1 UNIT OF FIRECHARMERS (20 points per model)

Your army may include one unit of Windfinder Firecharmers provided there is at least one unit of Windfinders. Firecharmers are Windfinders trained in the art of making Fell Fire. Most Firecharmers are viewed as being quite mad by their Windfinder brethren - Fell Fire's ability to stick and burn anything flammable, even when doused with water, makes Fell Fire a feared weapon on the open sea.

Profile                    M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Windfinder Firecharmers    4     3     3     3     3     1     3     1     7

Equipment: Regiments of Windfinder Firecharmers are armed with hand weapons and Firethrowers slings.
Save: None.
Options: None.
Special: The slings the Firecharmers wield throw Fell Fire (and can be used to fire normal stones as well, should a unit so desire.) Firecharmers fight as skirmishers.
Fell Fire Throwers: Mark your target with a 1" radius template (2" diameter...), and roll to hit using Firecharmers BS with the sling as usual. If the Firecharmer misses, roll the scatter dice and move the template d3" in that direction. Roll a d6 for each model covered by the template. On a roll of 4, 5, or 6 the model suffers 1 wound. Any models not killed outright (creatures with more than one wound) suffer 1 wound each turn thereafter unless they move within 1" of a source of water.
Swimming: Because their fire-making equipment cannot get wet, Firecharmers may not swim as other Windfinders.

0-1 UNIT OF LEVIATHAN HUNTERS (7 points per model)

Your army may include one unit of Windfinder Leviathan Hunters. Leviathan Hunters sail the Great Oceans and the Black Gulf hunting Sea Serpents and Hebelucous, the primary source of lamp oil - and therefore light - for Tilea and most countries along Tilea's prodigious trade routes.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Leviathan Hunters  4     3     3     4     3     1     3     1     7

Equipment: Leviathan Hunters are armed with a hand weapon and harpoon, and carry a shield.
Save: 6
Options: Leviathan Hunters may carry a shield for +1 points per model.
Special: Harpoon: Normally, the Harpoon acts exactly as a spear as described in the Warhammer Rulebook. Any creature not outright killed by a wound from the Harpoon has been speared. The rope attached to the harpoon is secured, trapping the creature. At the beginning of each turn, if the creature rolls under its S on d6 (exception: a 6 is always a failure), it is free and nothing further occurs. However, if the creature does not break free it is trapped as long as there is at least one surviving member of the unit. While trapped, the creature attacks and defends at -1 to WS, but cannot move from its current position. If the entire unit is destroyed, the creature is freed.
Swimming: Windfinders may swim across still bodies of water as if they were crossing difficult ground.

0-1 UNIT OF SHARKFANGS (6 points per model)

One unit of Windfinder Sharkfangs may be included in your army. At sea, Sharkfangs use their sharp, curved hooks to grab the enemy and pull them overboard. When fighting on land, these weapons are equally effective, pulling the enemy to the ground, and pulling mounted warriors off their horses.

Profile                  M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Windfinder Sharkfang     4     3     3     3     3     1     3     1     7

Equipment: Windfinder Sharkfangs are armed with a hand weapon and a sea-hook.
Save: None
Options: Sharkfangs may carry a shield for an additional +1 points per model.
Special: Sear-hook: The spear-hook is essentially a spear with a long extra prong looping back to point toward the wielder. When using a sea-hook in combat, roll to hit and wound as for a spear. When wielding a sea-hook, the Windfinder attacks with +1 Strength against footmen, and +2 S against cavalry.
Swimming: Windfinders may swim across still bodies of water as if they were crossing difficult ground.

WINDFINDERS (6 points per model)

Your army may include any number of Windfinders. Windfinders are men of the sea, trained to battle on the decks of ships at sea.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Windfinders        4     3     3     3     3     1     3     1     7

Equipment: Windfinders wield a hand weapon and carry a shield.
Save: 6
Options: Windfinders may carry a spear for an additional +1 points.
Special: Swimming: Windfinders may swim across still bodies of water as if they were crossing difficult ground.

TRIDENTEERS (9 points per model)

Common warriors found protecting the ports of Tilea, the Tridenteers are bitter and strong defenders, tenacious to the last.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Tridenteer         4     3     3     3     3     1     3     1     7

Equipment: Tridenteers are armed with a hand weapon and a Trident. They wear light armor and carry a shield.
Save: 5+
Options: None.
Special: Trident: The trident works in exactly the same way as a spear. It should be treated in all respects as a spear as described in the Warhammer Rule Book.

0-1 UNIT OF SARTOSAN FISHERMEN (8 points per model)

Your army may include one unit of Sartosan Fisherman. The Sartosan Fishermen stand in the shallows of the Black Gulf and net the rarest of sea delicacies, the eggs of the Black Gulf Cavecrab. They're talent with the net in battle is as well-known as the ocean bounty they provide.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Sartosan Fisherman 4     3     3     3     3     1     3     1     7
  with a net                                                      +1

Equipment: Sartosan Fisherman carry a hand weapon, trident, and net.
Save: 6
Options: Sartosan Fishermen may wear light armor.
Special: Nets: Nets give the tridenteers a +1 initiative bonus. Roll to hit with the nets. Nets do not cause wounds. Instead, keep track of the number of net hits scored.
Tridents: The Sartosan Fishermen then may attack with their tridents as if it were an additional hand weapon. Add up the netted hits and the trident hits, and roll to wound.

The Men of Miregliano and the Legions of Caesar

CHARIOTEERS (72 points per model)

The Legion's chariots are pulled by four horses and hold 2 crew.

Profile          M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Chariot Crew     4     4     3     3     3     1     3     1     7
Chariot          -     -     -     7     7     3     1     -     -
Horse            8     0     0     3     3     1     3     0     5

Equipment: The Chariot's crew are armed with hand weapons and spears, and wear light armor and carry a shield.

Options: Charioteers may be equipped with halberd's instead of spears for +1 points per model. They may exchange their light armor for heavy armor for an additional +1 points per model. Each chariot may contain 2 extra crewman for 9 points per crew, plus the cost of optional equipment. Chariots may have scythed wheels for an additional +20 points. The horses may be given barding for +32 points.

Special: See the Warhammer Fantasy Rulebook for Chariot rules.

0-1 UNIT OF GLADIATORS (10 points per model)

Your army many have any number of regiments of Gladiators. Gladiators are trained in the Great Games at the Coliseum. Those who survive are given their freedom, and most choose to join the Legion in search of gold and glory.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Gladiators         4     4     3     4     3     1     4     1     7

Equipment: Gladiators are armed with a hand weapon and shield.
Save: 6
Options: A regiment of gladiators may include any of the following additional equipment: light armor for +2 points, double-handed weapons for +2 points, or an additional hand weapon for +1 point.

LEGIONEERS (11 points per model)

The legioneers are the backbone of the Tilean army. Well-disciplined fighters, they are trained from birth to fight together as a single unit.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Legioneers         4     4     3     3     3     1     3     1     7

Equipment: The Legioneers are armed with a hand weapon and spear and wear light armor and carry a shield.
Save: Special.
Options: Legioneers may be equipped with bows at an additional +2 points, crossbows for +3 points and they may exchange their spears for halberds for an additional +1 point per model. One unit of Legioneers may carry a Magic Banner.
Special: Maneuvers: The legioneers are trained in several complex maneuvers as described in the Bestiary. Because of this, they may only wear light armor. They may use any of the Legioneer Maneuvers described in the Legioneer bestiary.

"I condemn thee to Oblivion!"
-Battlecry of the Halberdiers of the Mount

The Men of Remas and the Armies of the Great Potentate

0-1 UNIT OF SWORDMASTERS TEMPLAR (39 points per model)

Your army may include one unit of Swordmasters Templar. Sworn to protect all temples throughout the land, the Swordmasters Templar have forsworn bathing, sex, and wine so that their minds are pure and focused on their duty.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
  Templar          4     4     3     4     3     1     4     1     7
War Horse          8     3     0     3     3     1     3     1     5

Equipment: The Swordmasters Templar are armed with double-handed swords and a hand weapon. They wear heavy armor and Cloaks of Commitment and ride barded horses.
Save: 2+
Options: None.
Special: Cloak of Commitment: A cloak blessed in the fount of eternal life in the Great Temple and marked by the symbol of the Red Grail, these cloaks, when worn by devotees of the Temple, provide additional protection of +1 to their saving throw.

0-1 UNIT OF MAD MONKS (15 points per model)

Your army may include one regiment of Mad Monks. When the priests of the White Path are baptized in the milk-white water the temple, some of them come out of the baptism possessed, their eyes having turned completely white by some strange magic. Blind, those that survive this possession are at best half mad, babbling in a strange language none understands. But they are imbued with magic from the White Path, becoming an attractor for White Path magic to focus through.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Mad Monks          4     4     3     4     3     1     3     2     10

Equipment: Mad monks wear a Cloak of Commitment. They wield a wooden staff
Save: 6
Options: The Mad Monks may carry a Magic Standard.
Special Rules: Cloak of Commitment: Provides additional protection of +1.
Focus for Magic: So long as there are at least 5 Mad Monks in the unit, any White Path priest traveling with the unit may draw 1 extra spell card, becoming in effect a wizard/spell caster of 1 level greater (this will not work in conjunction with other level enhancing magic items.)
Attacks: For determining hits, the staff they wield has the same statistics as a regular hand weapon. However, any model killed by the staff momentarily becomes a channel for the White Path magic. Any White Path priest within 6" may draw 1 extra winds of magic card for each model killed.
Blindness: The powers given the Mad Monks grant them only a limited image of the world around them. Because of this, they're sense of direction can easily become confused. At the beginning of every turn, roll a d6. On a 1-4, they may move as normal. On a 5 or 6, they move d6" in a random direction.

PATH GUIDERS (24 points per model)

Your army may include any number of regiments of Path Guiders. Path Guiders are the Followers of the White Path responsible for keeping the routes clear between the major temples and Tilean cities (which also just happen to be the major merchant routes as well, a service for which the Path Guiders charge merchants a pretty tithe...).

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Path Guiders       4     4     3     3     3     1     3     1     7
Horse              8     0     0     3     3     1     3     0     5

Equipment: Path Guiders wear light armor and Cloaks of Commitment and carry a shield. They wield a hand weapon and a lance.
Save: 3+
Options: Path Guiders may wield a crossbow for +6 points per model. One unit of Path Guiders may carry a magic standard.
Special: Cloak of Commitment: Provides additional protection of +1. Note that because the Cloak provides protection without real encumbrance, there is no movement penalty for Path Guiders.

HALBERDIERS OF THE MOUNT (11 points per model)

Any number of Halberdiers of the Mount may be included in your army. The Halberdiers of the Mount are duty-bound to defend the Great Temple of Jean the Pious. They are the backbone of the Sword of Glory, the personal army of the Great Potentate.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Halberdiers of the
  Mount            4     3     3     3     3     1     3     1     7

Equipment: The Halberdiers of the Mount wield Halberds and wear heavy armor and a Cloak of Commitment
Save: 4+
Options: One unit of Halberdiers may carry a magic standard.
Special: Cloak of Commitment: Provides additional protection of +1.

FOLLOWERS OF THE WHITE PATH (7 points per model)

Your army may contain any number of units of Followers of the White Path. The Followers are the regular infantry of the army of the Great Potentate.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Followers          4     3     3     3     3     1     3     1     7

Equipment: Followers wear light armor and wield a hand weapon.
Save: 6
Options: Followers may carry additional equipment as follows: a double-handed mace for +2 points, a spear for an additional +1 points, or a crossbow for +3 points. They may also carry a shield for +1 point. One unit of Followers may carry a magic standard.

0-1 MISSIONARY FANATICS (10 points per model)

One unit of Missionary Fanatics may be fielded if there is a at least one unit of Follower of the White Path. Passionate devotees of the Faith, the Missionary Fanatics travel the Old World seeking to convert all to The Glory.

Profile               M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Missionary Fanatics   4     3     3     4     4     1     3     2     10

Equipment: Missionary Fanatics wear light armor and wield a double-handed mace.
Save: 6
Options: None.
Special: Missionary fanatics are subject to frenzy, as in the Warhammer Rulebook.

Other Men of Tilea

TOBARO VERMIN HUNTERS (8 points per model)

During the Skaven Wars, specially trained troops were sent into the tunnels beneath Tobaro to track down the Skaven. The Vermin Hunter units became an essential part of the Caesar's army after the Skaven overran Escantos in 1601.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Vermin Hunter      4     3     3     3     3     1     4     1     7

Equipment: Vermin hunters carry a shield and a hand weapon.
Save: 6
Options: Vermin Hunters may wear light armor for +2 points per model. They may be given a spear for an additional +1 points, and a bow for and additional +2 points. One unit of Vermin Hunters may carry a Magic Banner. Vermin Hunters may fight as skirmishers.


Your army may include any number of merchant guard units. The merchant guard, heavily armed and armored, are hired by wealthy merchants to escort their goods through the passes to Bretonnia, and to the Empire, and to countless other lands.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Merchant Guard     4     3     3     3     3     1     3     1     7

Equipment: The Merchant guard are armed with a hand weapon, a spear, and a crossbow. They wear heavy armor and carry a shield.
Save: 6
Options: None.

REASONERS (6 points per model)

Reasoners are the personal retainers of Count Leo de Vincenza. While they may fight as normal soldiers, their greatest ability is their experience and training in the use of war machines.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Reasoners          4     3     3     3     3     1     3     1     7

Equipment: Reasoners are normally armed only with a hand weapon.
Save: None.
Options: Reasoners may be equipped with any of the following: a spear for an additional +1 points, a crossbow for an additional +3 points, or a pistol for +2 points. Reasoners may also wear a shield for +1 point, light armor for +2 points, or heavy armor for +3 points.
Special: Knowledge of War Engines: If the crew to any war machine is destroyed, but the war machine itself is still intact, Reasoners from any Reasoner unit may detach from their regular unit and head directly for the war engine. While moving, this detachment acts as their own separate unit. When they reach the war engine, they must spend their entire next turn motionless. During this turn remove the Reasoner models and replace them with the original crew. This represents the new crew examining the weapon, making decisions about who will have which function, uprighting the weapon, locating ammunition piles, etc. On the following turn the War Machine and crew operate as normal.

"The Skaven? They're not but a spot on the face of the Great Potentate!"
- The last words of the Great Potentate Pinocco the Infidelitous
before succumbing to the Red Pox.


Equipment: The crew are armed with hand weapons.
Save: None
Options: The crew may be equipped with light armor for +2 points per model.


Special Rules: There must be at least one unit of Reasoners to include any of the following war machines in your army.

0-5 LOGGING ENGINES (115 points)

Making a distinctive whistling sound when operating, the logging engine is operated by two crew, rapidly turning 2 large handcranks. Inside the machine, these handcranks spin a bewildering array of gears and widgets, powering the wheels and a great circular fan whose spokes end in large axe blades. These axe blades extend in front of the engine, cutting down anything in its path. The crew themselves stand on a small chariot-like platform behind the machine, protected from the whirling blades.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Logging Engine     *     -     -     7     7     4     -     *     -
Crew               4     3     3     4     3     1     3     1     7

*special (see below)

                 Range  Strength  Save     Wounds to Hit
Logging Engine  Special     7     None            d3

Equipment: The crew are armed with hand weapons and wear light armor.
Save: 5+
Special Rules:
Move: Depending on how fast the crew spins the blades, the Logging Engine can move from 0- 6" during the movement phase. However, for the blades to spin fast enough to cause damage, the crew must keep the engine moving at a speed of at least 2". The engine may make a 90-degree turn by using 1" of its movement.
Attacks: Any model along the 3" front (that's width) of the engine may try to jump out of the way by rolling under their I on d6. Those that do not get out of the way suffer d3 S 7 hits. Any model in its path as it moves forward is run over, suffering a single S 6 hit.
Damage: Hits to the War Engine should be worked out on the table below.

  Dice Roll  Location Hit
     1-5     Logging Engine
      6      Crew

0-1 WAR BALLOON 100 points

Composed of hundreds of spans of well-sewn silk, the War Balloon floats high above the battlefield raining destruction on those below. A hand-operated propeller system and a small rudder direct the War Balloons movement. The War Balloon is highly susceptible to damage, should a flying opponent attack it, or should it drift close enough to the ground to enable ground units to fire. It's two wounds are really a result of it's size - one gash or arrow hole in the silk fabric generally will not bring it down.

The balloon is operated by two crewmen

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
War Balloon        8     -     -     4     3     2     -     *     -
Crew               4     3     3     4     3     1     3     1     7

                 Range  Strength  Save     Wounds to Hit
War Balloon Bombs  6"      7      None            d3

Equipment: The crew wear light armor and are armed with hand weapons.
Save: 5+
Special Rules: There is room in the balloon for 2 other models.

Flying High: On the first turn, the War Balloon's sand bags are thrown overboard, sending the it speeding into the sky. The War Balloon is considered Flying High while aloft. Unlike the normal rules for Flying High, however, the War Balloon is not removed from the table. It is flying high enough to be out-of-range of ground missile fire, but it is also close enough to allow for it's deadly bomb attack.

Bomb Attack: The bomb may be thrown within 6" of the War Balloon. Place the 2" template and roll the scatter dice. On a miss, the bomb moves d3" in the scatter dice direction. Any unit under the template takes a S 7 hit causing d3 wounds.

Move: The propellers grant the War Balloon a limited degree of movement. However, the winds present at such high altitudes make its movement somewhat erratic. Before it moves, roll a scatter dice and move the balloon d6" in that direction. If a HIT is rolled, examine the chart below.

Roll Consequence

The War Balloon may be landed. To do so, the controlling player declares it will land during the charge phase. The War Balloon may move as usual during its descent. When it alights, any models in the balloon may exit at the beginning of the next turn. Note that during it's descent it may not be considered charging. In addition, it will be susceptible to ground fire.

Storms, those caused by some of the more mind-numbing spells, will ravage a War Balloon. If a storm is unleashed, the War Balloon immediately suffers d3 S 3 wounds, and is blown 2d6" in a random direction. While the storm is in progress, the crew loses all control of the War Balloon. On it's next turn, it must land or be blown off the table. It will land randomly 2d6" from its starting position.

0-5 WATER CANNON (90 points)

Originally developed by Count Vincenza after his research tower and university in Remas were razed by the Sword of Glory, Leo quickly realized that this "firestopper" had military uses as well. The pump works by pneumatic pressure. Air pressure is built up inside the main cannon barrel (literally a large, steel-wrapped barrel of water) by the crew using billows. This pressure also provides enough power to move the cannon, albeit at a very slow pace.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Water Cannon       4     -     -     -     7     3     -     -     -
Crew               4     3     3     3     3     1     3     1     7

                  Range   Strength  Save  Wounds to Hit
Water Cannon     Special     10     None      Special

Equipment: The crew is armed with hand weapons.
Save: None.
Special Rules: Use the Dragon Breath template. Set the template in front of the Water Cannon. All models which are covered by the template are automatically hit, and must roll to wound vs. a S 10 hit. Instead of taking a wound, however, a model is knocked to its feet by the force of the blast. Any unit hit by the cannon may only defend, they may not attack or move. During their next movement phase, they may make only half their normal move/charge. In addition, all fires or fire-throwing weapons are extinguished. Weapons that are fire based must take time to dry out (usually with a frantic crew draining water from all its parts). Such a weapon cannot fire again until it rolls a 4, 5, or 6 on a d6. Test at the beginning of each firing phase for the weapon / unit.


The portable bridge is composed of well-reinforced wood planks, folded in sections so that it can be borne by a single horse. Thanks to Leo's addition of a series of locks and springs, when place on once side of a river bank (or chaos, or small marsh - whatever wishes to be crossed), two men can assemble the bridge quickly and easily.

Profile              M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Portable Bridge      -     -     -     -     7     3     -     -     -
Crew                 4     3     3     3     3     1     3     1     7

Equipment: The crew is armed with hand weapons.
Save: None.
Options: The crew may be equipped with light armor for +2 points and shields for +1 point. Extra crewmen may be included in the unit for +5 points per model, plus the cost of any additional equipment. They may be mounted on horses for twice their normal price.
Special Rules: A Bridge Builder "unit" normally consists of two crew, walking on foot and leading a horse. Note that this limits the unit's move to 4. The portable bridge, while strapped to the back of the horse, encumbers the horse's move as if it were carrying a rider with heavy armor and shield (a -1 penalty).

The bridge takes one complete turn to construct, and requires that at least 2 crew be present. At the beginning of the next turn, prior to the movement phase, place the bridge starting from within 1" of the crew. The bridge may not exceed 6" in length, and it measures 2" in width. Any units may use the bridge after it is in place, starting with this turns movement phase. While the bridge can be destroyed, it cannot be dismantled once assembled. At the same time, however, malfunctions in its construction have been known to occur. The first time a unit or figure crosses the bridge, roll a d6. On a d6 roll of 6, something has happened to the bridge: roll on the Faulty Construction Chart, below.

Roll / Consequence


Special Rules: There must be at least one unit of Windfinders before you may include any of the following war machines in your army.


Harpoon Throwers are usually found on the great trawlers that ply the oceans hunting Leviathans. The harpoon thrower operates much like the common battlefield bolt thrower, but with a special winch attachment which connects a rope to the harpoon. Two crew man the bolt thrower.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Harpoon Thrower    -     -     -     -     7     3     -     -     -
Crew               4     3     3     3     3     1     3     1     7

                  Range      Strength          Save  Wounds to Hit
Harpoon Thrower    48"     6 (-1 per rank)     None         d6

Equipment: The crew wield a hand weapon and wear light armor.
Save: 6
Special Rules: In general, the standard rules for bolt throwers apply. However, the barbs on the harpoon are designed so that it will become stuck in the flesh of any monster-sized creatures (anything smaller, such as humans, it simply goes straight through...). With the rope attached, a monster hit by the harpoon is limited. During your turn, the monster may be pulled 4" closer to the harpoon crew, moving in a straight line. While the winch is in use, the harpoon thrower may still be fired, but no rope may be attached, such that it will function exactly like a bolt thrower. So long as the monster is being wheeled in, all shots from the Harpoon Thrower are at +2 to hit.

At the beginning of each turn, if the harpooned creature rolls under its S on d6 (exception: a 6 is always a failure), it is free. So long as it is attached to the winch, the creature cannot move in any direction except toward the harpoon gun. In addition, at the beginning of each combat round there is 1 automatic hit against it (roll to wound as normal, but against the S of the creature itself. In other words, there is a wound on a roll of 4, 5 or 6.) This represents possible further damage by the hunters trying to push the harpoon in further and the creature injuring itself as it tries to break free.


Similar to the Trebuchet and Catapult in design, the Fell Fire Throwers (when converted from their usual ship-born form) lob Fell Fireballs of Fell Fire upon the enemy.

Profile            M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Fell Fire Thrower  -     -     -     -     7     3     -     -     - 
Crew               4     3     3     3     3     1     3     1     7

                    Range    Strength     Save     Wounds to Hit
Fell Fire Thrower    60"     special     special        special

Equipment: The crew are armed with hand weapons.
Save: None
Special Rules: Fell Fire: The firing rules for stone throwers apply. However, instead of rolling to wound, Fell Fire will kill all those under the template who don't roll a 4 or more on a d6. Any models not killed outright (creatures with more than one wound) suffer 1 wound each turn thereafter unless they move within 1" of a source of water. Leave the template in place (I would suggest cutting out a couple of spare templates before play) - Fell Fire will keep burning until extinguished. (Certain Magic Spells will take care of that...) Any model stepping through the area where Fell Fire is still burning suffers a single S4 hit, with no save.

Fell Fire causes damage to buildings as under the Fire rules in the Warhammer Rule Book. Also note that this will have the normal fire attack against creatures which are susceptible to fire (such as treemen).


The Tilean Army may allocate 25% of its points with troops from any of the following allies:


This tome may be given to any unit of war macines. The tome allows any unit to re-roll any misfire result once. If the re-roll still results in a misfire, add +1 to your misfire result roll before consulting the misfire table.

WAR TELESCOPE (50 points)
Allows any war machine unit to re-roll it's misses with ballistic war machines. Any roll on the scatter dice that does not result in a hit may be re-rolled once. If the roll still does not result in a hit, the artillery dice result may be reduced by half.

RING OF LIGHT (75 points)
The Ring of Light cloaks the bearer in a shield of pure grail fire. Any magic spells cast at the bearer may be instantly dispelled. The ring may be used only three times in this manner.



Strand by strand, fine worm-spun silk is dipped into the fountain of the Temple of Jean the Pios and woven via a complex magic spell known only to the greater priests of the temple. The Greater Cloak of Commitment will dispel all spells (except those of the White Path) on a d6 roll of 4, 5, or 6. In addition, the Greater Cloak of Commitment allows the wearer to re-roll any missed save, saving on a 4, 5, or 6.


The Tome of Righteousness may be used in conjunction with any Follower Magic Spell. When cast, place this card on the table to allow the spell-caster to ignore any and all dispel magic or destroy magic cards. The spell cast cannot be dispelled in this magic phase. If the spell has a duration of more than one turn, this card provides no more protection from dispels after the phase in which it is cast.




The flat lands of the One God are barren but for the souls of those waiting for their turn to enter the gates of the afterlife. A single white path splits across this desert, showing the way to the gates. Depending on the character of the dead, the journey to the gates can take moments or centuries across the parched clay of the Path.
If the bearer is killed, they are sent to the flat lands of the One God to be healed. Remove the model from the table immediately and for the remainder of the next turn. At the end of the next turn, after the magic phase, return the figure to within 6" of its previous position. The character is fully healed, and may continue as normal at the beginning of the following turn.

TOME OF THE WAY (150 points)
The Tome of the Way allows the bearer to have extra magic spells available during the battle. Before the game begins, roll d3; this will represent the number of extra magic spells that the White Path Priest may take with him into battle.


The Boots of Water Walking allow the wearer to walk across any body of water, be it river, lake, or stream, as if it were clear ground.

SWORD OF STONE (65 points)
The Sword of Stone is a double-handed weapon believed to be crafted from Grail Fire during the reign of one of the earlier Potentates. The wielder of this weapon gains +1 S and +1 WS. The Grail Fire used to sharpen the blade has given it an edge which normal armor cannot resist. No saving through for any wounds caused.

THE RED GRAIL (75 points)
The Red Grail purportedly contains the spirit of the Great One herself. When Undead are within 12" of the grail, they will see a brilliant, blinding light emanating from the bearer. All attacks against the bearer of the Red Grail are made at -1 to hit. When held, the gold-gilded Red Grail bleeds dark red blood, giving the grail its name. Over the course of one day, it will bleed enough for one drink. When swallowed, the Red Grail will heal all wounds.



The Silver Laurel has been passed down from Caesar to Caesar since the birth of the Great Council. The Silver Laurel enhances the wearers tactical and command abilities. All friendly units within 24" may maneuver with no movement penalty - they may turn any number of times, and expand and contract their ranks as often and by as much as they like. In addition, all units within 24" test their LD as the bearers.


SPEAR OF HOLDING (35 points)
The Spear of Holding grants the bearer extra strength and ferocity in the face of a charge. If the bearer has been charged this turn they fight back at S +1. In any round of hand-to-hand combat, the bearer and their unit make break tests at LD 10, and always add 1 to their combat result.

RAT-SLAYER (25 points)
The sword of Antonious Ratsbane, Rat-Slayer imbues it's wielder with extra speed in it's attacks. The wielder of Rat-Slayer receives +1 WS and +1 I. Against Skaven, Rat-Slayer will cause d3 wounds.



+ 100 The Silver Laurel of Caesar

If Caesar is present, then he must be your general. The Caesar is responsible for the protection of Tilea from any potential enemt invaders. Since the title of Caesar has largely been hereditary, Caesar was trained from the time he could walk to be the next leader of the Tilean Legion.

Profile              M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Caesar Oremor        4     6     6     4     4     3     6     4     10

Weapons / Armor: Caesar Oremor prefers to wear light armor and a shield in combat, and carry a hand weapon.
May Ride: While Caesar may ride a warhorse (for +3 points) with barding (+4 points), or a monster; he prefers to ride in a chariot (with 1 crewman) for +64 points. Often, his Army Standard Bearer rides with him.
Options: Caesar Oremor may wear heavy armor for +1 points. He may use any weapon from the equipment list, and he may also carry up to 4 magic items (usually one of which is the Silver Laurel).
Special Rules: Peace: When Caesar is present, there are no animosity problems between the Followers and the Reasoners.

+25 Rat-Slayer

A former gladiator, Antonious saved Oremor's life when they were boys in the Great Races. Antonious has also earned the respect of his fellows and the people of Miregliano for his many victories in the Blighted Marsh. Recently, however, his otherwise satin image has been attacked by reports of plots to take the Caesar's place, and dark whispers of murderous palace intrigue. Caesar Oremor vehemently denies any such action by his beloved friend, yet even his advisors are reportedly trying to convince him otherwise.

Profile              M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Antonious Ratsbane   4     5     5     4     4     3     4     3     9
Warhorse             8     3     0     3     3     1     3     1     5

Weapons / Armor: Antonious wears light armor and carries a shield. If he does not have Rat- Slayer with him, he will use a hand weapon.
May Ride: Antonious may ride a horse, a warhorse for +3 points (his preferred mount), or a chariot for +61 points.
Options: Antonious may wear any of the armor or weapons listed in the equipment list, as well as any appropriate magic items.
Special Rules: Hatred for Skaven: Antonious Ratsbane has a deep hatred for Skaven, as per the Warhammer Rule Book.


During his free time, Count Leo da Vincenza studies the stars and Celestial Magic. Because of these studies, Count Leo da Vincenza is a Third Level Wizard of the Celestial College.

Profile              M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Leo da Vincenza      4     3     3     4     4     3     5     2     9

Weapons / Armor: Count Leo is armed with a hand weapon.
May Ride: Count Leo da Vincenza may ride a warhorse for an additional +3 points, or a monster.

Options: Count Leo may use any of the weapons from the Equipment list.
Special Rules: If Count Leo da Vincenza is in your army, you may spend an additional 10% of your points allocation on war machines. At the same time, however, Count Leo da Vincenza would be too disinterested to join any battle that had fewer than 15% of its total points allocated to war machines. In other words, 15-35% of your army must be composed of War Machines.

+65 Sword of Stone

After the Skaven took the town of Escantos, it was believed lost. However, Notra Daemusbrood recovered the weapon from the body of the Skaven warrior Inquial after foretelling its return with a Skaven attack on Remas. Notra Daemusbrood is not a follower of the White Path, but lives in the Temple of Jean the Pios, providing advice on important matters of state. It is said his ability to look into the future has provided the current Potentate with information that has helped him rest much power and land from the independent territories between it and Luccini.

Profile              M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Notra Daemusbrood    4     3     3     4     4     3     5     2     9

Daemusbrood is a 3rd level wizard of the Gold college.

Weapons / Armor: The Seer is armed with the Sword of Stone or a hand weapon.
May Ride: Notra Daemusbrood may ride a horse, a warhorse (for +3 points), or a monster.
Options: Notra Daemusbrood may wield any weapon on the equipment list. He also may wear any armor in the equipment list, but by so doing will be unable to cast any magic.
Special Rules: Because of his ability to foretell, he may re-roll any dice roll once during the game.

VERCELLI THE GRAY (The Vermin Singer) (218 points)
+75 Vermin Song

Vercelli the Gray is the head Rat Hunter in the city of Tobaro, responsible for directing the de- verminization of the city as ordered by the current prince of Tobaro. The Vermin Hunters fall under his general authority, and he has been granted additional broad administrative powers to eradicate the hordes from the blight, permitting him to adopt random inspections of all food-stores to search for any Skaven.

In battle, Vercelli is always surrounded by a rat swarm that moves and fights with him.

Profile              M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Vercelli the Gray    4     3     3     4     4     2     4     1     7
Rat Swarm            6     3     0     3     2     5     1     5     10

Vercelli is a Wizard Champion of the Gray College of Magic.

Weapons / Armor: Vercelli carries a hand weapon. He wears no armor.
May Ride: Because of the swarm of rats which always surrounds him, Vercelli cannot ride - no steed will come near him!
Options: Vercelli may use any weapon provided in the Equipment Lists. Vercelli may wear armor, but if he does so he gives up his ability to cast spells.
Special Rules: Vermin Song: Instead of fighting in hand-to-hand combat, Vercelli may play his flute, Vermin Song. When Vermin Song is played, all Skaven and rat-like creatures within 6" must roll under their LD on 2d6 or become entranced. While in this state, they will move at their normal move at Vercelli discretion. If they are sent beyond the 6" range, they will be freed from the trance. While in a trance, they may not fight or defend themselves. If they are sent into water they will drown. At the beginning of each turn, the Skaven may attempt to escape the trance again, but with a -1 modifier to their roll.

Rat Swarm: Wherever Vercelli goes, the power of the Vermin Song flute draws rats and other rodents to him. Vercelli sees this as a great curse, but the rats are so enchanted by his presence that they will die for him. During combat, if Vercelli is wounded on a d6 roll of 4, 5, or 6 the wound(s) will be taken by the rat swarm instead. The rat-swarm will follow the wizard wherever he goes, and will contribute their attacks to all hand-to-hand combat.

+35 Spear of Holding

Morgana once coordinated the raids on the Sartosan Straight pirate lairs. Having grown tired of the conduct of marine warfare, she decided to try here hand as a land-dweller. One month after she convinced Marcovious to give her the defense of Luccini, Morgana repelled an Orc and Goblin horde which had descended from the mountains of the Border Princes and marched unchallenged to the gates of the city. Surrounded by the last defense of Luccini Windfinders, she single-handedly took out the heart of the Orc general Igthod Toadlicker. With this victory came great fame and fortune, and she is now one of the most successful generals in the land of Tilea.

Profile              M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Morgana              4     5     5     4     4     2     5     3     10

Weapons / Armor: Morgana has converted well-enough to the intricacies of Land-luggers (or whatever it is they call themselves, she has never quite understood). She is willing to wear light armor (don't try to make her wear anything heavier...) and a shield. She always carries her Spear of Holding and a hand weapon.
May Ride: Like other Windfinders, Morgana will not ride a mount, preferring to stick to her feet.
Options: Morgana may wield, in addition to her Spear of Holding, any weapon listed in the Equipment List. Morgana is a Windfinder, so she may swim.

+75 Ring of Light
+100 Tome of the Way
+100 The Seat of Holiness

The Great Potentate has taken a vow of celibacy, a vow of poverty, and a vow against gluttony. When he goes to war, he rides in his Seat of Holiness (for he is too bulky for an ordinary warhorse), with at least three nubile wenches accompanying him, hand-feeding him with fine wines and legs of mutton. His Seat of Holiness is made of gilded gold, and he wears beautiful necklaces of gold, platinum, silver, and diamond. He and his seat or so heavy that 10 mean are required to port him about from place to place.

Profile              M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
The Great Potentate  4     5     5     5     4     4     5     3     10

The Great Potentate is a Fourth Level Priest of Follower Magic.

Weapons / Armor: The Great Potentate wields a double-handed sword. He wears heavy armor.
May Ride: The Great Potentate is too large to ride a regular warhorse. He may move around on foot, but normally he rides his Seat of Holiness into hand-to-hand combat.
Options: The Great Potentate can wield any weapon or armor from the Equipment List (except for the pistol).
Special Rules:
Devout Followers: All Followers within 6" of the Great Potentate are subject to frenzy.
The Seat of Holiness: The Seat of Holiness is borne by 10 devout followers. Should any of the bearers be killed, the seat may be carried as follows: 8-10 followers may move 4", 6-8 followers may move 2", the Sear of Holiness can not be borne by less than 6 followers.

Profile              M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Seat of Holiness     -     -     -     -     7     3     -     -     -

Seat-Bearers 4 3 3 4 3 1 3 1 10

Equipment: The Seat-Bearers are armed with a hand weapon and wear light armor, and carry a shield.
Save: 5+
Options: The Seat-Bearers may wear heavy armor for +1 point per model. They may carry spears for +1 point per model.
Special Rules: Any hits against the Great Potentate and his Seat of Holiness should be distributed as follows (roll a d6):

     Missle Attacks   Hand-to-Hand
          1-2              1-4        Seat-Bearers
          3-4               5         Seat of Holiness
          5-6               6         The Great Potentate

"You are only as mighty as your bulk."
- The Great Potentate Contremerdi III


Normally, a human can withstand but one baptism or quaff of the waters from the Temple fountain. Licentious the Widower drank deep from the fountain at the Temple on the day after he rose to become a priest, something none had done and survived since the first rivulets sprang from the resting place of Jean the Pios. For three days his body glowed with an internal radiance, as he screamed in agony.

Profile              M     WS    BS    S     T     W     I     A     LD
Licentious the 
  Widower            4     4     3     4     4     3     5     2     7

Licentious the Widower is a Third Level Priest of Follower Magic.

Weapons / Armor: Licentious wields a hand weapon.
May Ride: Licentious may ride a warhorse for +3 points.
Options: Licentious the Widower may use any weapon or armor from the equipment list (except the pistol).
Special Rules: Fear: Licentious the Widower glows with a bright inner light, and he exudes an aura of pure White Magic. Because of this aura and his twisted, ghostly-pale form, Licentious causes fear.


Water Magic - The Spells of the Windfinders

Part Water
Power 1 Range 24"
As it's name suggests, this spell parts a body of water from bank to bank, making a clear path 6" wide. Any unit may walk through this now dry area as if on clear terrain. This spell remains in play until dispelled or the Wizard releases the magic. The Wizard can do this at any time including outside the normal turn sequence, even during the opponents movement phase.

Water Walk
Power 1 Range 36"
One character or unit may walk on water as if it were clear ground. This spell will remain in play until dispelled or the Wizard casts the spell on another unit.

Water Weave
Power 2
When cast, all bodies of water within 36" of the caster are woven tight as solid earth. Rivers, ponds, and streams become normal ground for all purposes.

Well Water
Power 2 Range 24"
This magic summons water buried in the earth to the surface. Immediately after it is cast, a 6" diameter swamp appears at the target location. The swamp is considered difficult ground. At the end of the next turn, the swamp becomes a pond. Any creature still standing in the area where it is forming drowns, with no save.

The Tentacles of Animos
Power 3 Range 12"
When this spell is cast, Water in the air and from the ground coalesces to form 2d6 tentacles emanating from the caster. While this spell is in effect, the wizard's move is increased to 6". The tentacles enable the wizard to attack any model(s) within 2". This may include models in a second or third rank of a unit. A dispel will destroy d6 tentacles.

Saint's Fire
Power 2 Range 36"
Saint's Fire gives any unit it is cast upon a radiant glow of electrical power. Any attacks by the character or unit will cause an extra S 4 Electrical attack, resulting in d3 wounds. If any storm causing spells are cast or are in effect, such as the High Magic spell The Tempest or the Water Magic spell Hurricane, the additional attack hits at S 6 and causes d6 wounds. If an electrical attack is made against the unit (such as by an Electrical Dragon), the attack is made at 1/2 Strength, and the Strength of the units attacks are again increased (to S 6 and d6 wounds). Creatures immune to electrical attacks are also immune to Saint's Fire. Saint's Fire remains in play until dispelled.

Follower Magic - The Spells of the White Path

Dawn of the White Path
Power 3
Grail fire sweeps out from the eyes of the priest, attacking the dark magic that composes the essence of the Undead, killing 2d6 undead within line-of-sight of the priest.

Light of Truth
Power 1 Range 12"

As the pure radiance of the White Path glows around the priests head, those looking in his direction are compelled by a greater voice to speak truth. All things hidden about the target's body are revealed to the caster, magic items and talismans of power glowing in a light-sucking red.
Casting this spell allows the priest to examine any magic items or spell cards of a single wizard or hero within 12".

Hand of Glory
Power 1
The Hand of Glory will move any unit immediately into base-to-base contact with an enemy unit within 24" as if charging, with 1d6 added to the combat result.

The Blessed Martyr
Power 2 Range 36"
When cast on any unit which has taken casualties in the last round of hand-to-hand combat, the unit immediately goes into a religious frenzy and gains one additional attack, made immediately, on it's foe. In the next turn, they will continue to be in a frenzy (as per the Warhammer Rule Book), and will stay that way until the other unit is destroyed, or a dispel is cast.

Crucible of Might
Power 3
The wizard is aided by the hand of the One God in his blessed fight against the enemy. A unit in hand-to-hand combat with the wizard immediately suffers 3d6 S 5 hits.

The Whispered Covenant
Power 1 Range 24"

Followers of the Red Path and the One God often make personal oaths before stepping into battle. If the One God hears, then they are blessed with favors. As they march into battle, the One God whispers in the warrior's ears of the benefits of life in the after-world should they die in battle.
When cast, any character killed this turn is immediately brought back to life for one turn. At the end of the next turn's magic phase, the character dies permanently as his soul proceeds directly into the afterlife, and may not be brought back to life, or raised from the dead (to become Undead).

Curse of the Light
Power 1
If a Wizard fails to dispel a Black Magic or Necromancer spell using a Dispel Magic or a Destroy Magic Spell, casting this spell permits the Wizard to make a single re-roll on the attempt to dispel.

The Wandering Way
Power 1 Range 36"
When cast upon an opposing unit, the unit will become confused, losing confidence and their raison d'etre. The unit will halt what they are doing and ponder their sudden doubts for the next turn. If they are in hand-to-hand combat, they must immediately pass a LD test of flee. Such models may not test against the LD of their champion, hero, or other character. While so doing, they will not attack, but they may defend themselves. The unit will remain in this state of deep inner thought until they pass a LD test at the beginning of their movement turn.

Blessed Aura
Power 1 Range 24"
When cast upon a friendly unit, an unnatural light surrounds the unit as a token that they will and are fighting for the right. The unit need take no psychology or break test until the spell is dis-spelled, or the priest recasts it on another unit.

Grail Fire
Power 3
The priest opens a conduit direct to the afterlife, filling him with power. As the priest is consumed, a ring of pure magic spreads outward from his dying shell like a ripple on a pond. All models in base-to- base contact with the priest immediately suffer d6 S 10 hits, no save. All models within 12" suffer d6 S 7 hits. All models between 12 and 24" suffer d6 S 5 hits.

Written by David Rauscher (drausche@nab.org)

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