Stuff you don't need to know... but, for some reason, want to!

Inflyte's Background

Originally from Virginia, just across the river from "The Prez" himself, I was moved to California as a baby.  Raised in the Santa Monica area of Los Angeles county, I became another "latch-key" kid statistic at the age of seven when my folks divorced.  Later, at around 12 years old, I briefly lived in a tiny town outside the Boston area (Millis - no, you haven't heard of it!) during a job project my dad had to deal with.  That was fun for a "city kid" like me.  I was the best sledder in town even though I'd never seen snow before!  That lasted only a year and, when I was about 13, we moved back to the South Bay area of LA, around Redondo Beach and Palos Verdes.

I finished High School in Torrance, California (hello to all of my fellow South High classmates who have obviously followed my life to this point) but headed up to the San Fernando valley (Fer Shure, dude!) to do some college and live off my mom for awhile.  That clever idea lasted all of a year and a half.  After bouncing around in a few jobs, hanging out with all the wrong people I could find, and even giving the US Navy a crack at me, my mom and her new husband finally had enough and gave me the cancellation notice on my free ticket.  Suddenly, I was paying for things like food, lights, and clothing!  Who came up with that cruel concept?!  About 10 years, 15 apartments, 30 girlfriends, and a year-and-a-half-long marriage later (resulting in the added benefit of a beautiful 14-year-old daughter named Stephanie), I found myself taking a spur-of-the-moment road trip to Phoenix, Arizona.  Guess the LA riots were my wakeup call.  I really enjoyed my five year stay in Phoenix, and I still miss it from time to time.  It absolutely gets too hot during the summer months (try a high of 127 degrees my first Summer!), but the rest of the year is beautiful and all-in-all it's a very nice and friendly (and affordable) place to live.  Several memorable experiences later however (the details of which you'd have to know me a LOT better for me to divulge), I ended up back in the South Bay area of LA. Indecisive? Yeah, I guess you could say that.  We Librans are fantastic people, but making lasting choices is not one of our strengths!

The Man, The Myth

A "people person" by nature, I've ended up a salesman and personnel manager by career.  I've sold records (Remember those big black disks with the little holes in the middle?  If you don't, you're young enough to be my child!), animals (as pets), women's shoes (first person to utter "Al Bundy" gets it!), computers and home office equipment, and web site advertising space.  I've also dabbled in construction, street paving, microfilm processing, and cable television and modem installation, but my strengths lie in face-to-face contact and encouraging people to spend their hard-earned cash.  As a personnel manager, I also encourage employees to excel and to accomplish goals.  A career without dealing with people would, for me, be a terrible experience.

Besides building and constantly fine-tuning this web site (that hobby's taken a severe backseat since the birth of my son, Rhyen, now two, although I've recently started back up as: Inflyte Creations), I also enjoy quality music of just about any kind (keep your opera, though - I just don't get it!), good movies, basketball (to watch), racquetball (to play), photography, hiking, mountain biking, and anything having to do with the shoreline.  That love was the one thing about California that I really missed, and about the only thing that brought me back here.

I'd go into a physical description of myself, but the details would do nothing more than make all you females out there become faint with uncontrollable passion, and cause all you males to become enraged with envy.  So, let's just leave it there and let your vivid imaginations take care of the rest. :-)

The Site

The links on my front page will take you to various places in my life (as I guess you know by now since you're here.)  I'm including the pages here too, however, as it will allow me to go into a bit more description.

The obligatory LINKS page that everyone seems to put on their sites is there, but I encourage you to thoroughly check it out anyway.  There's a bunch of great sites for home page builders like yourselves.  Tons of free graphics, backgrounds, fonts, and animations!  (Some of the links are pretty old and now seem dead, so bear with me. I will get around to checking them for accuracy soon.)

Also on that page are some links to fun, helpful, and just plain interesting places I visit from time to time.  As it's not often that I update this site anymore, please let me know of any dead links you find.  I've also added a page all about A WEIRD HOBBY of mine that you may find intriguing.  Of course you may instead think I'm a complete moron and never visit this site again, but while in Phoenix I spent many hours pursuing it and being fascinated by it's REAL "reality show".

Unfortunately (as the time I spend online should be spent making $$$!), I also spend far too much time playing computer games, both solo and online.  My current favorites are Unreal Tournament, Riven, Diablo 2, and Duke Nukem 3D, and Soldier Of Fortune, but I also enjoy and play the old classics.  Keepers like Descent, Heretic, Hexen, Doom, and Quake may not be as graphically incredible as the newbies (not that Ol' Dukie is a newbie!), but they are still great in their own right. Anyway, on this page only (for fear of embarrassment by potential money-givers who may stop at my front page), I've included this link, aptly named GAMES. Anyone currently playing Unreal (with a good video card) no doubt understands my fascination.

I'm still relatively new at web site development, but I've included a few pages of some of the stuff I'm working on through the use of Photoshop, Image Composer, HTML and image-mapping editors, etc. I'm constantly blown away by places like Andy's Art Attack (AKA: Scream Design) and Moira's Web Jewels.  I love using detailed desktop images, great fonts, animations, and cool backgrounds, so I'm always trying to fiddle around with the power of above-mentioned programs have in an effort to someday be mentioned on someone's web site the way I've mentioned these two.  You can see my current projects on my PROJECTS page.  One that never got off the ground, but a concept-thing that my brother-in-law and I briefly tossed around was an Internet search site for Los Angeles area restaurants.  Since it seems we've given up the idea of making it fly, I've decided to go ahead and show off what we put together in the brief time we worked on it.

That's it, everyone! Enjoy. Thanks for being interested enough to get to the bottom of this page.  Feel free to poke around, open drawers, and rummage through my stuff.  Stop by again someday.

Hello to my co-workers at
Cox Communications, Palos Verdes

Family Members (and curious types) are welcome to check out
(and submit suggestions and help for) my latest attempt at a Web-Based

Try out this little form.  Kind of a fun way of telling whether you or someone else is
"fair of face" or "full of grace"...

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