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General comments forum about this web-site

Satellite dish fees


Tax matters

Taxes on electric vehicles


Traffic calming measures?


Radju Bronja

Maltese translators/interpreters

Technical terminology in Maltese


The Saturday Tombola





Feel free to send in your comments in either English or Maltese.
I reserve the right to edit letters or messages received and to publish what I consider to be suitable.

Please be concise, constructive, factual and polite.

I discourage anonymity.


Il-kummenti tiegħek (u tiegħi)
Ikklikkja fuq is-suġġett li jinteressak:


Forum ta' kummenti ġenerali dwar dan is-sit

Taxxa fuq id-dixxijiet tas-satellita


Kwisjonijiet fuq Taxxi

Taxxi fuq inġenji li jaħdmu bil-batteriji


Misuri biex jikkalmaw it-traffiku?


Radju Bronja

Tradutturi/interpreti tal-lingwa Maltija

Terminoloġija teknika bil-Malti


It-Tombla ta' nhar ta' Sibt





Ibgħatli l-kummenti tiegħek bl-Ingliż jew bil-Malti.

Nirriserva d-dritt li neditja l-ittri jew il-messaġġi li nirċievi u li nippubblika dak li nħoss li jkun xieraq.

Nitolbok tkun konċiż, kostruttiv, fattwali u galbat.

Nixtieq nevita l-anonimità.

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I produce this site exercising my (and other contributors') right to freedom of expression and I cannot be held responsible in any way whatsoever especially on matters that are subject to dispute or interpretation and on material to be found on third party web-sites even though I have deliberately chosen to include the links to such sites on this web-site. I apologise to anyone who may feel injured or offended by anything that may appear on this web-site. My intention is
* to raise awareness of people's rights,
* to stimulate spirited debates on various issues and hopefully
* to bring about positive changes in our society.