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EVALUATE - How does my finished product compare with the criteria set at the beginning of the process?

During the DEFINING step the students are made aware of the expectations of the inquiry and criteria should have been negotiated between the teacher and the class. If the assessment requirements were made explicit at the beginning of the task there should be no surprises for students.  

The evaluation stage provides opportunities for students to think about the things that they did well and the things that might need improving.  It also provides the opportunity to identify the extent to which the planned outcomes have been achieved.

Possible questions could be: 

  • I have used criteria to guide and assess my inquiry

  • I have assessed and made judgements about:

    • My purpose, choice of topic and set goals

    • Method of recording information

    • the type of information recorded (was it relevant)

    • The references I used for my information

    • My method of presentation

    • My finished product (published copy)

Evaluating (the Product) checklist from My Research Portfolio (PTP,1999).

Some of the opportunities provided for evaluation may include:

  • Self Assessment 

  • Peer or group assessment

  • Using a checklist to identify skill achievement

  • Comparison of the outcomes of this task with previous tasks

  • Use of a rubric to identify levels of achievement against the criteria stated

  • Use of a Reflection Sheet

  • Completion of a Work Diary with the members of a group

  • Profile maps.


Created by Leonie McIlvenny (Curriculum Officer - Library & Information Services)

Acknowledgements: Robyn Cranley (Australind PS), Malena Cahill (South Bunbury PS) 

& Taryn Battista (CIO - Bunbury DEO)

Copyright © 2002