
Notes: written on 8/17/02 when I was bored. I am a callous and cold-hearted person, and these are just some of my cynical opinions on love.

What is love? It's the most over-used and worn out word in the English language. I like to refer to it as a whore of a word, because it's always there for us to use and abuse as we please. Sometimes the price of using the word love is extremely high, and sometimes it's dirt cheap. But no matter how mnya times we use it, its still going to be there, just waiting for us to have whatever pleasure we will with it. Children and adults alike know the many different uses and flavors of love. I, personally, will not often be heard talking about love in a positive light. In fact, its nothing strange to hear me say, "I hate love." If that's so, then why should I bother writing this blarb on the subject?

Boredom, mostly. What other reason do I have for writing anything? The inspiration for this particular rant actually came about when I was reading through old files I had saved on my computer. They were post-break up instant messages from a former boyfriend of mine. (Yes, the mush-loathing KT had a boyfriend at one point in time. Trust me, I don't like to talk about it.) We'll call this boy "Fag" for the purpose of this blarb. The messages basically included lots of childish bickering, and attempts on Fag's part to understand why I had broken up with him. My answers were, of course, vague and winding, as I was uncomfortable about the subject. He was really confused by me, which I now feel some remorse for. I just didn't have the heart to tell him, "Hey, don't tell me you love me. Love sucks. You're freaking the hell out of me." And so, it ended in a rather messy way.

The point I'm trying to make is that not only do I not enjoy or support love among teenagers, I also don't believe in it. I find affection to be, for lack of a better word, icky, and I refuse to believe that two people can geniunely love and accept one another for all time. To explain my theories on love, I will break it up into three categories: Affectionate Love, Friendly Love, and Appreciative Love.

The first type, Affectionate, is my least favorite. You probably think of this as "love love", the kind that occurs between a man and woman (or other pairings, in this day and age.) You know, romance, passion, affection, marriage, sex-- all the things I can't stand. Why don't I believe in true love? Because I believe that no matter how much we interact with one another, the truth is the only thing humans care about is themselves. We only seek to be with others because it fulfills our own desires. No one really wants to make someone else happy, they only care about satisfying their own needs. The only reason that people "in love" want to please their partner is because it satisfies their own desire to be nurturing to another human. Affectionate Love is one of humanity's biggest weaknesses, simply because we blame it for everything. People do stupid freaking things, and they say it was because they were in love. They give up great things in life, and say it was worth it because of love. Freaking 'tards. I pity the fools who think that once they fall in love, the rest of the world will fall into place because they're with "The One". Sure, it's highly entertaining in songs and in the movies, but the truth is it doesn't exist. All people are the same, and there's no worldly connection between you and another that seperates them from the rest of the damn world.

Sex is an issue all itself, and it doesn't have much to do with love. It's a physical, scientific need of the human race. You can love someone and never have sex with them, just like you can have sex with someone that you absolutely hate. Love someone. Have sex with someone. But please don't ever say the two go hand in hand. Sex is another one of those great weaknesses of mankind, because it, too, makes people do incredibly stupid things. Personally, I have no desire to have sex now or at any other time in my life. Sure, its swell to think about, but all-in-all it sounds like an awkward situation where people get naked and touch each other and make funny sounds. I'm embarrassed for those people, I really am. I consider people who let their desire for sex control them to have incredibly weak minds. If a sexual situation arises and you feel like getting laid, then go for it. But I don't see why people jump through all these hoops for it. There's just so much more to life, you freaking 'tards.

Moving on to Friendly Love. I really couldn't come up with a better title for it. You can probably guess what this kind of love is. You know, loving your mom or your best friend or your baby sister. This kind of love I can almost tolerate. I prefer this kind of love because it allows you to love a limitless amount of people without having any physical obligation to them. I believe in this kind of love, but at the same time I don't think people should put too much value on it. I love lots of people, but I distance myself from them because I simply don't love them enough to want to be attached to them. They're just people, after all, and there are billions more of them all over this planet. Love as many people as you can, but don't convince yourself you love them too much. Remember, humans only care about themselves in the end.

Lastly, we have Appreciative Love. You could also call this Worldly Love. This is the kind of love that doesn't have to be attached to a certain person. Some examples: I love Joni Mitchell and Boa; I love cartoons; I love guys with long hair; I love it when it rains; I love pizza; I love the way I feel when I'm happy. This is the most true kind of love there is, and it's the only one you can count on. This love is the appreciation you have for different elements of the world around you. I am a firm support of Wordly Love. I don't want to get too mystical on you here... but I will anway. This is a beautiful and intricate world we live in, and life is short. If you can just love the simple things around you, and be in love with life instead of trying to put all of your hopes and emotional needs into one person, then you can make it. You can't always count on people to make you happy. But you can count on the rain, and your favorite album, and cheese pizza, and the fact that things are always changing in a fascinating way. That's love, my friend. None of the icky stuff like sex and kissing and romance and blah blah blah. Love yourself, and love life. Freaking 'tards.

Do you disagree? Awesome! I'd love some rebuttels (look it up). Email me them and I'll put them up on my site.

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