This is a list of all the people who my life couldn't run without, and also just to say 'THANK YOU!' to all of them!
                             The List

My Mam and Dad who put up with me day-in-day-out, partly because they have to and partly because they are two of the kindest ppl i can name. :)

My Grandma Baines. There's only one way I can put this and this is it: If there's one word that describes my childhood, my life and the way I live it it's 'Grandma'. :)

My Grandma and Granda Bhalla who would gladly open their hearts and home to anyone who asked for them. :)

My cousins Laura, Michael, Kate and Dominic and my brother David, who all keep me from going bored s***less. Tee hee. Am I allowed to say that, even censored? Oh well! :)

All my cousins on my dad's side, too many to mention! :)

My friends: Becki, Jemma, Sam, Cathy, Laura, Emma, Christine, Rachel, Jenny, Bryony, Shelly, Rona - to name just a few, simply because they are there. :)

The annoying, stirring people who make life so complicated it actually gets interesting! :)

Anyone else who knows me or has known me or will ever know me, thank you! :)