Popup menu of main window.

Right click menu of tray icon

Double click the first date of the two between which you wish to find the difference. Also you may select or enter the first date into the edit box, and press span.
Note the edit box, here you can enter a number, press go! and the calendar will land on the date however far as you input from the originally selected date.

Double click the second date and the result is given. Alternately, you may select the second date or enter it into the edit box and press Span. To change the display of the difference, you can press:
  • 'd' to change to Days
  • 'h' to change to hours
  • ',' (comma) to revert to the original output (Also, at any time it will recall the last difference calculated)

This is the dialog in which program options are set. You can change the tray icon style, fonts and colors of the calendar, first day of the week, define the excluded dates for date difference calculations and other options.

Screenshot of the annual calendar.