Pastel Paintings Art Gallery by Dr Saler

Art gallery of the pastel paintings by Prof Dr Ing B Saler

59 cm by 46 cm


If you are interested in purchasing a painting, please contact the gallery director Prof Dr Ing B Saler
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Curriculum Vitae. Career involved in teaching Mathematics and Physics at the Elementary level, Secondary level, and the University level. Additional career involved in scientific research as Research Assistant at the Institute for Medical Research, and Research Associate at the Institute for Light Metals. Published several articles and books.
Leitmotiv.  Linea minoris resistentiae, that is to say, minimax principle.
Favourite quotes. "One measure of the excellence of a person is the ability to respond effectively to extraordinary circumstances", "After the event even a fool is wise", "To ignore ignorance is most ignorant", "The only limitation to inspiration is imagination", "It is often easier to discover the truth than to have it accepted", "A perfect formulation of a problem is already half its solution", "An approximate answer to the right problem is worth a good deal more than an exact answer  to an approximate problem", "To follow a pattern in mathematics is like following the thread of Ariadne", "You cannot overestimate the stupidity of your audience".
Personal statement.  To err is human - to debug is superhuman.
Hobby.  Painting and drawing with pastels, chess, philately, numismatics, classical music (opera, operetta, ballet, symphony, etc), classical jazz, classical cinematography, classical literature (among other things poetry by Dante, Lermontov, Pushkin, Goethe, Schiller, et al, in their original languages), and philology.
Interests.  Collecting wisdom of the ages such as: bellum omnium contra omnes, clara pacta boni amici, lex legis non prescribit, noli turbare circulos meos, quod licet iovi non licet bovi, reliquiae reliquiarum, repetitio est mater studiorum, res non verba, panta rei, etc.
Past. Historia est magistra vitae.
Present. Homo homini lupus.
Future. Since the early 1950s it has been our opinion that the greatest danger to the population is overpopulation. In addition, the probability for certain species to become dominant species is directly proportional to their number.

Art Gallery Dr Saler
Pastel Paintings of Dr Saler
Pastel Paintings Studio and Art Gallery of Dr Saler
The gallery of gouache paintings by Prof Dr Ing B Saler
The galley of oil paintings by Prof Dr Ing B Saler
Prof Dr Ing B SALER - Favourite Questions

Wednesday,   20 d  02 me  2002 a,   20 h  22 min  02 s   GMT

© 2001 Pastel Paintings Art Gallery by Dr Saler.  All rights reserved.
Site designed by Prof Dr Ing B Saler