23-year old female in Ukraine with Hodgkin’s lymphoma is seeking for assistance for covering medical treatment abroad.

A support group developed this site for a 23-year Ukrainian female Irina who is suffering from Hodgkin’s lymphoma, stage II. She was diagnosed for the first time in September last year. Since then Irina has undergone the first 3 treatments of chemotherapy and radiation. She responded very well to the treatment. Her huge node on the chest disappeared and she was about to come back to the normal style of living. But 2 month ago during a routine x-ray procedure they discovered recurrence in her lungs. Irina’s parents are in the depth of despair. Her mother took her to 4 different Cancer Institutes in Ukraine but doctors can’t help her sufficiently. They have recommended to continue a medical treatment in Germany (Munster) to get a better chance for survival.

Doctors in Germany have found a way to achieve high survival rates (up to 90%) in people with Hodgkin's disease. Irina needs to raise $36.000 to get this treatment available. There is no a medical or any other insurance in Ukraine at all. Irina’s parents desperately try to help her, they start even selling their property. Irina has been off work since she was diagnosed with disease. Her both parents are working (mother – only part time) but there is no way to make such amount of money anyway.

Your financial help will be highly appreciated. If you can help, please send money to Irina’s mother account in Ukraine.

Please, help Irina to survive!

Personal Information:

Alla Kazmenkova (Ira's mother)
L. Ratushnaya St. 77-100
21037 Vinnitsa
Phone: +432 53-5486
E-mail: akazmenkova@yahoo.com

Bank account information:

  1. Intermediary bank: Chase Manhattan Bank, SWIFT: CHASUS 33
    4 Chase Metrotech Centre, 7th floor, Brooklyn, NY
    112445, USA
  2. Correspondent account: Privatbank, Ukraine, SWIFT: PBANU A2X
    CHIPS 332357 , account: 001-1-000080
  3. Beneficiary’s Account: 29099799262610 (0706113900681)
  4. Beneficiary: Alla Kazmenkova

Diagnosis (in Ukrainian):

Bank Account Information Scanned Copy: