Thoth and the Eye of Horus

One account of the long battles between Horus and Seth describes how Horus lost both his eyes; another claims that it was his moon eye that was torn out. The eye was found and restored to its original position by Thoth-an action symbolizing restoration of the cosmic order.

Horus was resting beside an oasis when Seth crept up on him in the form of a black boar. As Horus slept, Seth ripped out his left eye and flung it beyond the edge of the world. Horus awoke and retaliated by ripping off Seth's testicles. But there was nothing that he could do about his eye, which seemed lost forever. Meanwhile, deprived of it's moon, the night sky sank into blackness.

Thoth came to the rescue. Ever the peace-maker during the conflict between the two gods, he scoured the chaos beyond the world's confines until he discovered the missing eye. It had been shattered by its fall, but Thoth pieced it together and restored it to its owner. The Eye of Horus was thereafter represented by the wedjat amulet.