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Shworchtsechaye's demand
In the world of extreme music, few groups are able to match the
intensity of Jerusalem damage metal band, ShworchtseChaye
(pronounced sh-war-tse-chai). The elusive sound of power, groove
and sheer aggression that founding members, singer, Yehi Zaken
and guitarist, Roi Illouz, have long sought, has finally taken root with
the addition of the lethal rhythm section of bassist, Chino Raven and
double bass aficionado, Ary Nussbaum. What is the sound of
ShworchtseChaye? Tracks such as "One Way Dive," and "To be
Accepted," both written with the two newer members, combine
speed, groove, melody and originality unparalleled in recent years
by most extreme music bands. Older songs such as "Trust" and
"J.J." will jolt listeners head's off with it's straight-up approach to
ass-kicking, while "ShworchtseChaye's Demand," a song
incorporating the band's Middle Eastern roots and modern heavy
music will surprise listeners with its seamless blend. Zaken and
Illouz met at a Napalm Death concert in Jerusalem when the two
were still teenagers and bonded immediately. Not long after, the two
realized their similar musical tastes, they started ShworchtseChaye
and began performing around Israel. Attending one of these shows,
Chino Raven was struck by the group's intensity. Not long after, the
band needed a bassist and Chino answered the call. When they
started writing new songs together, the two were happily surprised
with Chino's musical contributions. Acknowledges Zaken, The first
thing we learnt about him was that he is a great musician. He's a
guitarist that we turned into a bass player and understands a lot
about melody and the music we are trying to create. Illouz adds, It's
a lot less pressure on me with a guy like Chino in the band. Not only
will he murder you with that bass, he writes so many songs for us,
we can't use them all! Says Chino, This was the kind of band I had
been looking for a long time. Musicians usually gravitate toward
each other, so, naturally, we found each other. In 1998, their
drummer left for personal reasons. The group tried out several
others but none fit the ShworchtseChaye mold. The band was in a
quandary. They had the material to record a demo but were lacking
the backbone. Deciding to improvise, Chino programmed a drum
machine for the 10-track recording of, Nightmareality. Admitting that
it was strange to play with a machine, Illouz, who produced the
demo, says the three felt that they had no choice. "We had no
potential candidates at the time and we wanted to get ahead with the
project." They even played a show with the drum machine! Fast
forward to September '99. Understandably, the three were
extremely frustrated by not having a drummer. It had been a year
since they had a drummer in the band. The group's luck finally
changed when Zaken heard through the underground grapevine of a
drummer seeking a band. Zaken called immediately to meet and
arrange a tryout. Five minutes after Illouz plugged in and the new
guy laid down his double bass pedals, Nussbaum was ensconced in
ShworchtseChaye. "I didn't want to get too excited at first,"
Nussbaum recalls. "Roi was wailing and I just started jamming with
him. We both knew what the other guy was going to play. I saw
them [Roi and Yehi] looking at me and then smiling at each other."
Regarding the new songs, Nussbaum says, "That's when I realized
how talented these guys are. All of them are very gifted in terms of
song arrangement and creating new riffs. ShworchtseChaye is three
maniacs and a psychopath." With a complete line-up and each
member hungry for success, the revamped line-up continues to
work hard adding to the ShworchtseChaye repertoire. Soon after the
band's rebirth, the group was asked to perform at a Kfar Sabba
Metalfest. The four accepted with trepidation, sensing something
was amiss with the event. Unfortunately, their premonition turned
out to be true. The third of four groups to perform, the show started
two hours late and the band didn't hit the stage until 12:30! Breaking
into their opening song, a band's worst fear happened. They couldn't
hear each other because the Kfar Sabba Police Department had
entered the complex and ordered the soundman to turn down the
console! Though they continued to play one more song, Zaken saw
everything go down in front and was expectedly incensed. Running
from the stage, screaming and cursing, "Fuck the police, fuck Kfar
Sabba and fuck everyone who pays taxes to the city of Kfar Sabba,"
he nearly incited a riot. Although disappointed and angry about the
show, in retrospect, it was a blessing, having only deepened the
band's resolve to be the best. As the band attempts to make an
indelible mark on the worldwide hard music scene,
ShworchtseChaye is hard at work, writing new songs, recording and
much to the chagrin of a few overzealous police officers in Kfar
Sabba, performing.
What does ShworchtseChaye mean?
ShworchtseChaye literally means black animal in Yiddish.
According to Zaken, when the European Jews immigrated to Israel,
ShworchtseChaye was the name they gave to Eastern Jews. The
name pays homage to those who were discriminated against by
Jews of European descent in the early years of the State of Israel.


P.O. Box 4348, Maaleh Adumim, Israel, 98440


Yehi Zaken - Vocals
Roi Illouz  - Guitar
Chino Raven - Bass Guitar
Ary Nussbaum - Drums

Song: One Way Dive  - from the album Dive