A brief history of bodybuilding

By Lorenzo F. Castiglioni

Go to preface


What vs. how: we're not intersted in what is body-building, but how it was born and evolved into a modern sport.

Go to chapter 1

I. Ancient history of bodybuilding

From old China to the downfall of roman empire, trying to find documents about bodybuilding.

Go to chapter 2

II. The comeback of bodybuilding

After the darkness of the middle age, a sort of bodybuilding returns in 1800. The piooners of modern bodybuilding are Eugene Sandow and Hyppolite Triat.

Go to chapter 3

III. The beginning of 20th century

The modern bodybuilding in the United States at the beginning of 20th century: Bernarr McFadden, Charles Atlas and Sig Klein.

Go to chapter 4

IV. After 2nd world war

Four great body-builders of the 40/50s: John Grimek, Steve Reeves, Reg Park and Bill Pearl.

Go to chapter 5

V. The 60/70s

Probably the best period of bodybuilding. Champions like Schwarzenegger, Oliva, Zane, Columbu and many many others competed in these years.

Go to chapter 6

VI. The 80s

The arrival of Ms. Olympia and the women's world. Lee Haney and his eight consecutive victories. Other bodybuilders of the 80s like Beckles, Gaspari, Robinson and many others.

Go to chapter 7

VII. The 90s

Contemporary history of bodybuilding, with male and female champions that compete also today.


A little dictionary of the terms of bodybuilding's world.


Female galleries with a lot of photos.


For any comment, please e-mail me !


Thanks to Angela Fallacara, Federica Gomaraschi and Anna Provenzano, who read and corrected the text.

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