“Pomodori Ripieni”

“Stuffed Tomatoes”

“This preparation is excellent served either hot or cold.In case of cold serving it is possible decorate with fresh basil leaves”

“Our Preparation Suggestion”

Preparation Time : 10 min + cooling time




4 Firm Red Tomatoes

50 Gr Breadcrumbs

1 Little Fresh Onion

1 Minced Courgette

3 Chopped Cloves of Garlic

2 T Spoons of cut Parsley

2 T Spoons of cut Mint

2 T Spoons of cut Basil

1 T Spoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Salt and Black Pepper


Heat your oven at 180°.

Put your breadcrumbs in a bowl, add some hot boiling water and let it sit for 10 minutes.








Cut off the top of your tomatoes take out inside pulp in order to have them ready for filling.

Put the half of the tomatoes pulp in a strainer in order to drain the juice




Chop the drained tomatoes pulp in small pieces add your onion , courgette, garlic, parsley, mint, basil and olive oil. Add your hot softened  breadcrumbs salt and pepper, than fill your tomatoes




Carefully cut the outside of your tomatoes and their tops with a very sharp knife in order to make them look as if divided into quarters.

Put your stuffed tomatoes in a baking-pan within their tops. Let them cook for 10 min




Put your tomatoes in a dish to serve.


Some other Italian Cooking Ideas??

Pere al Formaggio

Tagliatelle al Salmone



Questions and Problems in performing this or other Italian Recipes? Visit Olivia’s Home Page