- storia greca del V e IV secolo (dalle guerre persiane alla morte di Alessandro Magno)

  1. George E. Pesely, Socrates' attempt to save Theramenes, in "The Ancient History Bulletin", 2/2 (1988), pp. 31-33


- storia dei regni ellenistici dalla morte di Alessandro Magno alla conquista romana dell'Egitto (323 ac - 30 ac)

  1. Elizabeth D. Carney, The trouble with Philip Arrhidaeus, in "The Ancient History Bulletin", 15/1-2 (2001), pp. 63-89


- storia dell'impero romano (I-II secolo)

  1. Barry Baldwin, Notes on Nerva, in "The Ancient History Bulletin", 1/3 (1987), pp. 68-70

  2. David Cherry, Soldiers marriages and recruitment in Upper Germany and Numidia, in "The Ancient History Bulletin", 3/6 (1989), pp. 128-130

  3. Robert L. Dise, Jr., A reassessment of the functions of beneficiarii consularis, in "The Ancient History Bulletin", 9/2 (1995), pp. 72-85

  4. Charles Leslie Murison, The death of Titus: a reconsideration, in "The Ancient History Bulletin", 9/3-4 (1995), pp. 135-142

  5. Charles Leslie Murison, Tiberius, Vitellius and the spintriae, in "The Ancient History Bulletin", 1/4 (1987), pp. 97-99

  6. G. M. Paul, Josephus, the Epitome de Caesaribus and the grain-supply of Rome, in "The Ancient History Bulletin, 4/4 (1990), pp. 79-83

  7. Graham Wylie, How did Trajan succeed in subduing Parthia where Mark Antony failed?, in "The Ancient History Bulletin", 4/2 (1990), pp. 37-43


- storia dell'impero romano dall'età dei Severi all'ascesa di Diocleziano (193-284)

  1. D. F. Buck, The reign of Aurelianus in Eunapius' Histories, in "The Ancient History Bulletin", 9/2 (1995), pp. 86-92


- sulle fonti letterarie

  1. Truesdell Brown, Herodotus and Justin 9.2, in "The Ancient History Bulletin", 2/1 (1988), pp. 1-3

  2. Michael Pavkovic, A note on Arrian's Ektaxis kata Alanoon, in "The Ancient History Bulletin", 2/1 (1988), pp. 21-23

  3. George E. Pesely, How many copies of the Hellenika Oxyrhynchia have been found?, in "The Ancient History Bulletin, 8/2 (1994), pp. 38-44

  4. John C. Yardley, The literary background to Justin / Trogus, in "The Ancient History Bulletin", 8/2 (1994), pp. 60-70