L'uomo del momento
Today's Person

(Foto tratta da|Source of this picture: «Fondo P.P. Pasolini»)


Enrique Irazoqui
L'attore di un solo film |
 The One-Show Man


(Foto tratta da|Source of this picture: http://www.pasolini.net/cinema_attori_nei_film.htm)


(Foto tratta da|Source of this picture: www.computerschach.de/artikel/cadaq01/)

Questo omaggio nasce dall'aver appena visto Il Vangelo secondo Matteo di Pier Paolo Pasolini. Da qui la semplice immissione in un motore di ricerca del nome del protagonista, Enrique Irazoqui, che sapevo essere, ai tempi del film, uno studente catalano.

Nel 1964, quando il film fu girato, aveva 19 anni: unico membro del sindacato clandestino (si era all'epoca di Franco) a conoscere l'italiano, fu mandato in Italia a raccogliere adesioni alla lotta antifascista. A Roma, in occasione di quel viaggio, conobbe Pasolini, che gli chiese di interpretare la parte di Cristo nel suo film. Fu l'unico film mai girato da Enrique Irazoqui.

Economista e professore di letteratura, oggi Enrique Irazoqui organizza tornei di scacchi tra computer nel suo villaggio natale, Cadaqués, dove giocò a scacchi con Marcel Duchamp e John Cage.

Vale la pena di leggere quest'intervista (in inglese qui).

[17 maggio 2004]

This homage to Enrique Irazoqui simply comes from just having seen Pier Paolo Pasolini's Gospel According To St Matthew (Il Vangelo secondo Matteo). Hence I felt the necessity to find more about the actor who performed the Christ and plainly put his name in a web search engine: Enrique Irazoqui. All I knew about him before doing so was that, when the film was shot, he was a Catalan student.

That happened in 1964, when Enrique was 19. In those days Franco ruled Spain. Enrique Irazoqui was the only member of his clandestine union who could speak Italian and was thus sent to Italy to seek support to the anti-fascist struggle from known people. When in Rome he was introduced to Pasolini, who asked him to perform the part of Jesus Christ in the film he was planning to shoot. This was his only performance ever as an actor.

Today an economist and a professor of literature, he currently organises chess tournaments where both opponents in each match are computer programs, in his home town, Cadaqués. Here he once used to play chess against Marcel Duchamp and John Cage.

This interview is well worth reading (here in English).

[May 17th, 2004]

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