Software Interest Calculator


Software Interest Calculator

For other uses, see Calculator (disambiguation).

A calculator is a device for performing numerical calculations. The type is considered distinct from both a calculating machine and a computer in that the calculator is a special-purpose device that may not qualify as a Turing machine. Although modern calculators often incorporate a general purpose computer, the device as a whole is designed for ease of use to perform specific operations, rather than for flexibility. QuikCalc is award winning amortization schedules software that comes in four editions, thus is scaleable to your needs. Also, modern calculators are far more portable than most other devices called computers, though many PDAs are comparable in size to handheld calculators.


In the near past, mechanical and clerical aids such as abacuses, comptometers, Napier's bones, books of mathematical tables, slide rules, or adding machines were used for serious numeric work, and the word "calculator" denoted a person who did such work for a living using such aids as well as pen and paper. This semi-manual process of calculation was tedious and error-prone.

Modern calculators are electrically powered and are made by numerous manufacturers, in countless shapes and sizes varying from cheap, give-away, credit-card sized models to more sturdy adding machine-like models with built-in printers. Margill - The Interest calculation software - Le Logiciel de calcul d'intérêts.

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