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 Home>Papadopulos>Change Log

     - Papadopulos Log 

  • version 1.4b 12.16 15/02/2003: changed the fog color in order to make it more realistic - an other texture optimization 

  • version 1.4 15/1/03: added the Fog (press 'G' to activate and select the fog-type, press 'F' to deactivate) - optimized textures size

  • version 1.3b 27/12/02: added a little pyramid on the building - now moving in the scene is better and possibly more realistic

  • version 1.3 22/12/02: added alpha blending (press 'B' to activate) - pressing 'O' will reset the view

  • version 1.2 17/12/02: added light (press 'L' to activate)

  • version 1.1 15/12/02: added textures - optimized command sensibility - changed some command keys

  • version 1.0 13/12/02: a simple 3D world...









PaccoMan 3D