Leggenda della vera croce


Leggenda della vera croce

The Baptism of Christ, 1442 (National Gallery, London)

Piero della Francesca was an Italian artist of the Early Renaissance. To contemporaries he was known as a mathematician and geometer as well as an artist, though he now chiefly appreciated for his art. His painting was characterized by its serene humanism and its use of geometric form, particularly in relation to perspective and foreshortening.

A self-portrait, detail of fresco

Piero was born probably in Borgo San Sepolcro, Tuscany, c. 1420 and died there October 12, 1492. Most of his work was performed in the Tuscan town of Arezzo. Esaltazione della croce; Il ritrovamento e verifica delle tre croci; Battaglia di Eraclio e Cosroe; Il supplizio dell'ebreo; L'annunciazione; Il. He may have learned his trade from one of several Sienese artists working in San Sepolcro during his youth. By 1439 Piero was working with Domenico Veneziano on frescoes for the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova in Florence. He also worked in Rimini, Ferrara, and Rome. In Ferrara, his influence is particularly strong in the allegorical works of Cosimo Tura. Among his disciples is Melozzo da Forlė.

His deep interest in the theoretical study of perspective and his contemplative approach to his paintings are apparent in all his work, including the panels of the S. Le indagini preliminari hanno rivelato in primo luogo il grave stato di degrado del ciclo pittorico, con sollevamenti di colore e cadute provocate dalla. Agostino altarpiece. Among other mathematical writing, later in life he wrote a treatise, De prospectiva pingendi, on the rules of mathematical foreshortening applied to any object, be it a cube or human head.

The Flagellation of Christ (c. 1460)

Main article: The Flagellation (Piero della Francesca)

The Flagellation, which was painted by Piero della Francesca around 1460, is one of the most famous and controversial pictures of Renaissance. As discussed in own entry, it illustrates the air of geometric sobriety, in addition to presenting a perplexing enigma as to the nature of the three men at right forefront.

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