The IAK Gallery

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'Jockey Hoopla' -- What on earth were they thinking with this one? Probably something like, 'duh, we have these two-man horse costumes...'
'Loch Ness Monster'. Basically a huge jigsaw puzzle at 10 degrees from the vertical. Newcastle won with their joker on this one (Rankin-Brown-Rankin, as per usual). The monster's eyes flashed when the team added the final (head) piece. The blue 'safety' matting can be seen at the base of the steep wall. It should have been at least five times as thick and covered twice the floor area.
'Load the Loft'. Ropes, pulleys and carabiners were the name of this game. Big heavy sacks needed to be hauled to the top floor. Another event in which Steve 'star' Borgas of Burra dominated.
'Maiden Flight' also demanded strength in hauling ropes on pulleys. Above all, general strength was required, which was why Childers played their joker against Frankston in a heat of this event. Some interesting techniques were employed by the guys in their harnesses in plucking their female team-members out of the pool. The haulers on board the galleon pulled the guy and attached girl aboard along a flying-fox.
'Martians' was one of the rare but memorable 'turntable' events, a group that includes 'Noah's Ark' and 'Penguins'. As the floor rotated, ridiculously-attired competitors attempted to collect water in buckets, which was squirted from fire hoses. The water needed to be carried up a staircase and deposited in measuring cylinders. The 'martians' then slid down a slide, accompanied by a trumpet glissando.
A pretty self-explanatory picture of 'Piggy Race'.
It's PILLOWFIGHT over the small pool.
Curt Draheim of Eltham shows how it's done. Victoria actually came back to win from this position.
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