John Carpenter on DVD

A DVD information site provided by

Welcome to the new JC DVD website. This site has been setup to try and provide a comprehensive resource on JC DVDs. It's a new site (created on 27th Sep 2000) so the aesthetics havn't been ironed out yet and obviously the content is a bit limited. Here is where you come in, this site will only be as good as the submitted information. Please send me any JC DVD related stuff you have - news, reviews, media, etc. I can't promise to include it all (we don't really need hundreds of reviews of each DVD) but with your help this site can be useful to all us JC fans. The menu is listed below. If you go into each section you'll find relevant contact details and submission formats for any info you have. At this stage of the site I would also be greatful for any help with the design (such as a new logo for the site) as well. For general enquiries and info please contact me on

News: All the news fit to print on the developments with JC DVDs

Reviews: An attempt to create a comprehensive list of available JC DVDs together with reviews of each title

Links: Links to other useful sources of information

Merchandise: Now you've read about 'em, you wanna buy 'em. I don't endorse any particular DVD shop but will put up links to ones I have had good service from in the past.

Contributors: A list of people who have kindly submitted their efforts to this page. Please let me know if I have left anyone out accidentally.

Counter Started Sep 29th 2000

This is an unnoficial fan page, constructed and owned entirely by Marc Bright. The opinions expressed herein are solely my own and have no connection with anyone else, except where credited.All relevant source material is copyright of the respective creators and owners. All text and backgrounds are copyright Marc Bright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and  2000. No text or background graphics on these pages may be copied and reproduced in any form anywhere without consent and acknowledgment of the author. No unauthorised copying or reproduction.