Copyright 2004 by Jackson Thoreau

ISBN 1-881365-52-2
Library of Congress Control Number 2004-100059

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Thanks for your interest. May we elect a legitimate administration in 2004.

The Strange Death

of the Woman Who Filed

a Rape Lawsuit

Against Bush

& Other Things the

Bush Administration

Doesn�t Want You to Know

Jackson Thoreau

To P.K. and M.M.
Don�t ever stop
searching for
the truth.

Table of Contents


Why I Labor So Hard Against the Bush Administration


The following are essays Jackson wrote in 2004.

The Strange Death of the Woman Who Filed a Rape Lawsuit Against Bush

Republicans Involved in Sex Scandals as Much as Democrats: From Garfield to Harding to Eisenhower to Reagan to Bush to Giuliani to Schwarzenegger

How the Bush Administration Intimidates the Mainstream U.S. Media

The Layoff Conspiracy: How Bush-Cheney Helped Wreck the Booming Economy

Bush and Other Republicans Fiddled While the World Trade Center Burned

Capture of Saddam is More Staged Political Propaganda by the Bushites


The following are columns Jackson wrote for various ezines since 2002.

Confronting the 'Open Minds' of the Right-Wing, Fringe Folk, March 17, 2002

The Myth of Republican Tax Cuts, Democratic Underground, April 10, 2002

How to Beat Asskkkroft's FBI, Citizens for Legitimate Government, May 2, 2002

Paint Bush as the Incompetent Slacker He Is, Buzzflash, May 20, 2002

The Evil Dick Cheney, American Patriot Friends Network, June 22, 2002

You Can Steal an Election, But Don't Touch the Pledge, America Held Hostile, June 28, 2002

A Tale of Two Americas, American Politics Journal July 12, 2002

My Reply to Dittoheads,, July 12, 2002

Step up Opposition of the Chicken Hawks' Illegitimate War against Iraq, Smirking Chimp, Aug. 29, 2002

Boycott Home Depot, Lowe's, others for a regime change - in the U.S., Smirking Chimp, Sept. 4, 2002

Bush wages war on our national parks, America Held Hostile, Oct. 9, 2002

Bush Babysitter and Ghostwriter Hughes Leads Nasty, Desperate Republican Campaigns in Texas,, Oct. 15, 2002

Top ten reasons to vote Republican in 2002, American Politics Journal, Oct. 22, 2002

Letter to Phil Gramm: Republican record since Bush & Co. stole the White House, BartCop, Oct. 26, 2002

Republicans Conspire to Steal Elections in 2002, American Politics Journal, Nov. 2, 2002

No retreat, no surrender, Dean and Justin�s Political Journal, Nov. 7, 2002

Thoughts From Sitting Around a Dead Bird, Smirking Chimp, Nov. 28, 2002

Perhaps Gore Made the Right Decision, After All, Bush Watch, Dec. 18, 2002

An open letter to Crossfire, re: Ann Coulter, Dec. 30, 2002, Mike Hersh

Republican Party Doesn't Really Care about Improving Race Relations, Santa Fe New Mexican/Alternet, Jan. 10, 2003

Republican Senator Funnels Campaign Cash to Nephew - After Being Elected, America Held Hostile, Jan. 23, 2003

Millions protest against Iraq War, AlterNet, Feb 16, 2003

An Open Letter to Bush and U.S. Senators: No War, BartCop, Feb. 27, 2003

Call for a Special Session of the UN General Assembly to Stop Bush's Immoral War, Rush Limbaugh Online, March 18, 2003

Counting Iraq's dead civilians, March 25, 2003, Information Clearinghouse

Operation Iraqi Invasion, By the Numbers, April 7, 2003, Zmag

The U.S. Iran-Contra Secret Government Rears its Ugly Head in Today's Bush Administration, April 16, 2003, Steam Shovel Press/Conspiracy Planet.

Conservative Webmaster Who Wants to Revoke Moore's Oscar Threatens Liberal Website with Legal Action Over Thoreau's Letter Published on the Site, May 7, 2003, Liberal Slant/Global Free Press.

Move out of a Bush-league state or take other actions to help stop the freefall into Republicanazi Hell, Peter Hansen, June 24, 2003

NOW Far Right-Wingers Are Calling For Impeachment of U.S. Supreme Court Justices, Counter Punch, July 3, 2003

Did Bush impregnate young women and make them get abortions in his single days? Democracy Means You, July 31, 2003

Petition drives underway to oust Texas Republican Gov. Perry, House Majority Leader DeLay, IndyMedia, Aug. 1, 2003

Texas Democrats continue to show the country how to fight the Republicans, Houston IndyMedia, Sept. 2, 2003

Under Bush, the Poor Continue to Get Poorer, Democratic Underground, Sept. 26, 2003

Kudos to the LA Times for its Schwarzenegger Expose,, Oct. 4, 2003

Petition demanding the expulsion of U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay presented to Congress ethics committee members, Moderate Independent, Nov. 16, 2003

Bush, the Fake Moderate, Lies Again About the Economy, Duckdaotsu, Dec. 6, 2003

Latest government report on Wellstone 'accident' finds its scapegoats, many questions remain, Liberal Slant, Dec. 30, 2003

Democrats need to stop being so nice and give Republicans doses of their own medicine, We Hold These Truths, Feb. 16, 2004

And now...the gay-bashing Federal Marriage Amendment author wants to make it illegal to be left-handed, Dems Online, Feb. 18, 2004

Texas Governor's Gay Sex Scandal Covered in Austin paper, the First Non-Internet Media Outlet to Report On It, Oped News, Feb. 25, 2004

My Two-Minute Debate with G. Gordon Liddy, America Held Hostile, March 20, 2004

US Labor Department pulled an Enron to fabricate phony March job figures, ThomasMc, April 10, 2004

George "Cannot Tell a Lie" Washington vs. George "Cannot Tell the Truth" Bush, Online Journal, June 4, 2004

Take Back America Conference provides another glimmer of hope against GilLIESpie and other Republican propagandists; Reagan should NOT be on Mount Rushmore, People for Change, June 7, 2004

Did Limbaugh cheat on ANOTHER wife? All Hat No Cattle, June 12, 2004

Cheney & Bush Hypocritically And Regularly Cuss Up a Storm as They Pretend To Be Angelic Christians To Grab Religious Right Vote; Green Party Speakers Make Sense, Radio Left, June 16, 2004

Move America Forward's Dishonesty Won't Stop Fahrenheit 9/11; Even Conservatives are Giving Positive Reviews and there are More Pro-democracy, Anti Bush Movies Coming , Dream Forge WebZine, July 3, 2004

Learn from My Mistake: Don't Throw Away Your Vote on Nader, Oped News, Aug. 2, 2004

Other Things the Bush Administration Doesn't Want You to Know

Footnotes appear at the end of each essay. Some Internet links to footnotes' sources are broken; those were either scrubbed by the sources cited, or they were changed during a Web site renovation. I kept even the broken ones up so you'd know they were at least cited at one time.

Go to Introduction of The Strange Death of the Woman Who Filed a Rape Lawsuit Against Bush

© 2004 Jackson Thoreau