Photos Against Bush

If a picture is worth a thousand words, let us paint the United States with anti-Bush photos. This site features photos depicting anti-Bush signs, bumper stickers and other messages in strategic locations.

I have the White House covered and am hoping to get more national sites like the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, Grand Canyon and Golden Gate Bridge. If you have a photo to share, email it to

I'm just looking for photos with direct messages at sites you might come upon, not photos like coffins.

Washington, D.C. - Photos Against Bush at the White House and other sites

New York - Photos Against Bush inside the Republican National Convention and on the streets

Links to other sites that feature Photos Against Bush

HERE's an example, above - "Bush Lied, People Died" sign inside Republican National Convention as Bush speaks, New York City, Sept. 2, 2004.

If you have a photo to share, email it to Please include location and approximate date photo was taken.