The Fisherman's Net Malawi Journal

Arrival in Blantyre

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Picture of airplane

This is a picture of the actual airplane on which we arrived in Malawi. It made me appreciate the fact that earlier missionaries of previous times had to travel months by boat and then walk cross country to arrive where we were standing. Not too many miles north of here was where David Livingstone worked.

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When we arrived at the Chileka airport, David and Bettie Pearson, Dr. Victor and Beth Burdick and several of the Malawian pastors waited on this balcony for us to deplane.

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Joyce, Mike, Phil and I were then driven in a Land Rover to the city of Blantyre. It was very hard to see the driver sitting on the right and driving on the left side of the road.

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The next time we visited the Chileka aiport was to watch the President, Kamuzu Banda fly from Blantyre.

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The Malawi women dressed in special outfits were also at the Chileka aiport to watch the President leave.

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The city of Blantyre is always a busy place especially on the road to the airport, but when the time to celebrate independence day in July arrived, a beautiful display was erected over the road.

More on the city of Blantyre and the train to
Makapwa Seventh Day Baptist Hospital and School


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