Eating fish at least twice a week or more is the cure all food, with the fatty Omega 3 kind at that. Fish it seems is the answer to a healthy brain and body. Fish also supposedly rids of split border line personality, mood-swings and harbors against anger or depression, migraine headaches and is good for your eyes and memory. You can also loose weight regardless of its fatty Omega- 3, and is good for the heart, helps prevent breast cancer apparently, menstrual cramps, lowers blood pressure and raises good cholesterol. If there’s a bunch of pills on the market you could not afford, or you simply reject taking any kind of drugs, fresh fish is better or fish oil capsules can also be the answer, and is probably the only gel capsule your need on your shelf. Now go--get that tin of salmon and make yourself a sandwich, instead of your usual burger. (Read up also about Omega- 3 and diabetics).
We all need to be reminded of the goodness of fish, and continually promote its awareness from generation to generation. Fish is a food substance so many of us seem not to eat enough of in this fast food, fast pace world. And for the skeptics, I suggest fish until one can prove otherwise. So stack up on lots of tins of red salmon and tuna and any other fish. However, fresh fish like King salmon. Herring and Mackerel for grilling, baking or boiling is far better. (When buying fresh fish, eyes of the fish should be bulging out and clear and under the gills should be a healthy pinkish).Salmon is mostly mentioned due to having the highest content of the fatty Omega –3 goodness, and only has 15 percent of fat really, which is still less than your burger and some poultry. So what’s in your sandwich today? Isn’t it nice to know your eating a food that really IS good for you? For those dubious to the amounts of mercury your body might be taking in from fish, eat fresh cilantro, I hear it magically rids your body of mercury and other toxic metals. Great in a chili, salads or sprinkled in potato salad.

• The fish cure to all this….
• Bipolar disorder
• Depression
• ADD and ADHD
• Postpartum depression
• Migraine headaches
• Schizophrenia
• Lower triglycerides
• Reduce blood pressure
• Raise good cholesterol
• Reduce insulin resistance