Welcome to my new and improved space on the web!!!For those of you who don't know me ~ I'm Dallas a.k.a. the Dutchess or Provenhill's Dallas of Cream Hill . This column is dedicated to you and your collie questions . I'll try my best to answer any collie related questions you may have ~ here are a few questions from people I've already recieved and answered . Some of your questions may be displayed on this page to help others .

Featured Dilemma: # 1

   Dear Owner
The solution is simple ~ I recommend putting a small clock near to her spot ~ This will help calm her to sleep(she'll think it's her mother's heart beat)

     You might also want to try letting the pup choose her own spot to sleep where she'll be most comfortable instead of assigning a spot .

     Once doing this I reccomend buying a crate or using a larger box for a place for the pup  to sleep in . This usually will make us dogs feel more secure . I hope it works ~ good luck !

     Dutchess Dallas  /\_/\
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    Dear Dallas ,
      How can I help my new collie pup sleep at night? She is keeping everyone  awake!

Please help ~ Thanks !

Guess what!Dallas now has a page on caring for new pups , but she needs your help . Click here to see it now!