TITLE: Waves
AUTHOR: Jade Hawthorne (jade_hawthorne@yahoo.com)
DISCLAIMER: Not mine, just borrowing.
SPOILERS: Season 7
SUMMARY: She's almost forgotten the way the feel of 
liquid against her skin can bring her to life.


by Jade Hawthorne

"I was under the waves 
Before love rescued me"
~ U2

She loves the water---lakes, creeks, pools---but 
especially the sea.  In her adult life, she's almost 
forgotten the way the feel of liquid against her skin 
can bring her to life.  

Her father never swam, despite his many years at sea, a 
quaint homage to the superstitious sailors of old, 
depending on the caprice of the ocean to keep them 
afloat.  "Foolishness!" her mother always said, and she 
taught her sons and daughters to swim early on.  "What's 
the point of living on the coast if you never get in the 
water?"  She remembers her father smiling at Maggie, 
playing in the surf with her 'ducklings', while he 
remained on shore, guarding sandcastles, ever watchful.

From time to time, they visited their grandmother, who 
still remembered the old country.  Nana told her and 
Melissa stories of beautiful mermaids who married 
sailors, but could not resist the pull of the sea, 
abandoning love and family to return to the watery 

Swimming off the coast of Maryland, Virginia and 
countless other ports, she would glide through the 
water, wishing for a shiny fin and the grace of the sea.  
She imagined her hair in red waves, curling around her 
like russet seaweed.  Later on, reading comparative 
literature, anthropology and biology textbooks, she 
learned that mermaids were most likely tricks of the 
light---romanticized porpoises---but it didn't take away 
the magic.

Enough of that long ago fairy dust still remains that 
she's talked him into staying on the beach for the 
night.  Their case is finished, only paperwork remains 
for the next day.  Unlike most cases, this one turned 
out to be relatively harmless.  They were brought to 
this small South Carolina town to investigate alleged 
hauntings and missing children, but for once it turned 
out to be the work of mischievous, albeit troubled, 
children.  It hardly demanded the attention of the FBI, 
much less the X-Files, and she suspects the locale was a 
much a draw for Mulder as the case itself.  

Instead of feeling emotionally and physically spent, as 
she often does after a case, she's ready to relax.  

"Are you sure we should stay at a resort, Scully?" he 

"C'mon, Mulder.  We've stayed in fleabags this entire 
trip.  Surely one night in a---ahem---more... expensive 
hotel will average the whole thing out to a normal 
expense report.  We never do this."

He smirks and waggles his eyebrows.  "Oooh, Scully!  
Treating herself on the Bureau's dime!  I like it when 
you get rebellious."

"That has nothing to do with it," she argues.  "This is 
a beautiful coastline.  I'd just like to be able to wake 
up and see the ocean tomorrow."

It's after midnight and she's restless.  She knows sleep 
will not come, that her body wants something it can't 
express.  Looking out the French doors, she sees the 
splash of moonlight on the waves.  She presses her ear 
to the wall that adjoins his room, listening to the 
breathy whispers and thin laughter that have become all 
too familiar when traveling with Mulder.  She heaves a 
sigh, grabs her robe and a towel and leaves her room.

The moon is full and the sea is relatively calm.  The 
waves beat a steady rhythm on the shore.  Distant 
drumming, a primal heartbeat.  The sand feels soft and 
cool under her feet.  The sea breeze sends a delicious 
chill through her body, and she looks around the beach.  
It's utterly deserted.  The spring break kids are gone 
and summer's crowds have not yet arrived.  All the 
sensible guests are asleep in their rooms right now.

Somehow she's not feeling very sensible tonight.  
Walking closer to the shore, she slips off her robe and 
walks into the water.  The sudden chill of the early May 
water takes her breath away, but the shock soon fades as 
its liquid softness settles around her like the caress 
of an old friend... like a long lost lover. 

She plunges underwater and sinks into the sensation of 
it all, that feeling of flying beneath the waves, the 
beauty of weightlessness.  When she emerges, she inhales 
the night air and is suddenly aware that she's been 
holding her breath for far too long, perhaps for years.  
It's been too long since she's ridden the tide and 
currents and truly felt the power of something far 
bigger than herself.

She hears a voice drifting from the shore.  "Scully!!"  
She smiles and swims closer.  

"Mulder, I'm right here," she calls.  "Would you grab my 

He averts his eyes as she walks out of the water, and 
holds out her robe.  Ever the gentleman, she thinks with 
a trace of mischief, and she slips it on, then squeezes 
water out of her hair.

"Skinny dipping, Scully?" he asks, and she knows he's 
recovered a bit.  "Feeling a little dangerous tonight, 
are we?"

"It's off-season," she says.  "There's absolutely no one 
out tonight to see."

"Besides me, you mean," he winks, but then his gaze 
turns serious, protective.  "You know, it's not the 
safest idea to swim alone at night," he says.

"The water's calm.  I have enough experience with the 
ocean to know when it's safe.  Besides, you were busy," 
she grins.  "What got you out here, anyway?"

"I just thought I'd check on you, see if you were still 
up, too.  When you weren't in your room, I got a little 
spooked."  He looks at her, puzzled.  "What brought 
*you* out here at 1:00 AM?"

She shrugs, looking out at the water.  "Couldn't 
sleep... and I just started thinking about a summer when 
Dad was in training in Maryland.  I was about thirteen 
and we rented a summer cottage.  Sometimes everyone 
would be asleep and I would head out to the beach and 
swim under the stars.  It felt like flying."  She 
laughs.  "Sometimes I'd try to smoke a cigarette after I 
was done."

He laughs with her.  "It was that good, huh?"

"I'll bet you have similar stories with all that time on 
Martha's Vineyard."

"I don't know," he says.  "I think I prefer pools, 

"Any reason why?" she asks.  "You're usually game for 

"The sea is unpredictable.  You never know when it'll 
turn on you---and I've got enough of that in my life."  
His voice takes on a low, serious tone.  "My sister 
almost drowned once when we were kids.  I've never 
forgotten that... it's almost like she was destined to 
go, one way or another."

They both sit silently for a moment, watching the 
reflection of the moon dance on the water's surface.

"Mulder," she asks, "don't you ever want to just jump 

"That's usually my line, Scully," he laughs.

"I wouldn't let anything happen to you, you know."

"You wouldn't---would you, Scully?"  The moonlight plays 
on Mulder's face, highlighting the angles and curves of 
his face, his full lower lip.  She's suddenly warm and 
the drying salt on her skin feels as if it is vibrating, 

She feels powerful tonight, and she doesn't care that 
her hair is wet and mussed and impossibly wavy from the 
saltwater, that her face is devoid of makeup, that her 
feet are covered with sand.  She is powerful tonight and 
she wants to pull him into the undertow of this force 
she feels.

The waiting, the tension, those invisible lines that 
seem so clear in the daytime... suddenly it all seems 
meaningless with her body attuned to the rhythm, the 
pulse of the waves.  She reaches for him and pulls his 
lips to hers.

Their first kiss was months ago, and it was tentative, 
fearful, hastily dismissed.  But this is soft and 
searching, a delicious exploration.  She smells 
sunflower seeds on his breath.  He tastes like sea 

"Scully, aren't we on a case?" he asks, as they slowly 
break apart.

"It's over. Done. Solved," she whispers, kissing his 
shoulder.  "Time for us to jump into the water."


Feedback graciously received at jade_hawthorne@yahoo.com

    Source: geocities.com/jade_hawthorne