ðHgeocities.com/jadeaaustin/spells/job.htmlgeocities.com/jadeaaustin/spells/job.htmldelayedx$lÔJÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÈ°·‡¢SOKtext/htmlpQÌ "¢Sÿÿÿÿb‰.HSun, 26 Nov 2006 06:32:34 GMTvMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *$lÔJ¢S Job/Employment Spells

Job Spells

A Patchouli Spell to Find a Job

Find job advertisements that interest you, and for which you meet minimum qualifications. Take notes from them, then anoint the newspaper with patchouli oil. Place the paper in a heat-safe container and ignite it as you say,

"By paper known, by fire relayed,
power now waters the seeds I've laid.
With this smoke my wishes rise.
Show me where prosperity lies!"

Keep the ashes as a charm or bury them with a blossoming plant so the energy grows.

Uses: Improving employment prospects, job performance, or promotional chances.

Timing: Spring and summer. Moon in Virgo. Before interviews or reviews for raises and promotions.

Spell to find a job

Items :

Time : Waxing Moon

Ritual : Cast the Circle, Invoke the Gods, and anoint the black candle with banishing oil and light it while you visualize all your obstacles falling away, and say:

"Bad luck flees, obstacles fall,
My path is clear, Heed my call"

Anoint the green candle with lucky oil and say :

"Good luck is mine and prosperity
Help me Great Ones, come to me
Opportunity and rewards I see
As I will, So mote it be."

Meditate on the job you want as you gaze into the candle's flame. Still in the circle, fill your good luck jar with the herbs, stone, note and rune figure. Seal the jar with this words:

"Earth-born stone of brilliant hue
hearken to my deep desire
amidst the candle's radiant fire
Herbs of luck, prosperity
heed my call and bring to me
a better job, new opportunity
As I will, so mote it be!"

Shake the jar, seal it with a kiss and place it back on the Altar. Ground and center, thank the God and Goddess and close the Circle. Each morning after, hold the jar while saying:

"God and Goddess
Hear as I pray
Let good fortune come my way
send me luck, prosperity
in my job search,
So mote it be!"

Shake the jar a few times, seal it with a kiss and replace it on the Altar.

Spell to do well on a job interview

First visualize yourself shaking hands with your future boss. Light a green candle and chant the following:

"Success will come unto me.
Success will come so mote it be!

Blow out the candle and visualize its energy leaving in search of new opportunities for you. On the day of your interview, visualize a purple light glowing from you that allows for all that come into contact with you to find you charming, witty, and talented.

Job Spell #1

This is best begun on the night of the New Moon:

Burn a prosperity incense and anoint the candles with a prosperity oil - I would use cinnamon. Anoint from wick to end. These candles should be in a safe place, they have to burn out entirely. Place the brown candle in the center, the green on the right, and the astral on the left.

Light the astral, state:

"I ask for change,that is my right,
open the way, clear my sight."

Light the green, state:

"Good luck is mine and prosperity,
help me Great Ones, come to me."

Light the brown, state:

"Opportunity, work, rewards I see, And as I will So Mote it Be."

Say the above as you light the candles. Leave these to burn out completely and dispose of the wax afterwards. Each night, for a week, or until the candle is used up, light a second brown candle for 9 minutes while meditating and gaining balance in preparation for the job and the good to come. During this time period, Actively seek a job. Listen to your intuition and follow up on all leads.

A Spell To Find A Job

Use during the waxing moon

Special Tools:

Casting the Circle (doing it your way or this one suggested here):

"The East, the Wind Positive forces, I call you in
The South, the Fire Aid this night in my desire
The West, the Water I conjure my need into matter
The North, the Grove Bring your gifts, I make it so
The Center, the Force I call you to open your doors
I conjure thee, O circle of Power That you might be before me
a boundary between the world of men and the realm of the mighty spirits.
A place of joy, love and trust to contain the power I will raise herein
I have called upon the protectors of the East, South, West and North
to aid me in the construction of this circle In the name of
the Horned Lord and Radiant Lady Thus do I conjure thee,
great circle of power! This circle is sealed."

Invocation to the God/dess (use your own words or this example):

"Great Goddess I ask you to join me tonight at the waxing of the moon's
powers to assist me in my rite. Tonight, I ask for guidance, for luck,
for success in finding a new and better job. Guide me, protect me,
help me I, your priest/ess, ask this of you. So mote it be!
Great God, I ask you to join me tonight at the waxing of the moon's
powers to assist me in my rite. Tonight, I ask for guidance, for luck, for
success in finding a new and better job. Guide me, protect me, help
me I, your/priest/ess, ask this of you. So mote it be!"

The Spell:

Anoint the black candle with banishing/exorcism oil and light the candle while visualizing all of your obstacles falling away:

"Bad luck flees
Obstacles fall
My path is clear
Heed my call!"

Anoint the green candle with employment/luck oil:

"Good luck is mine and prosperity
Help me Great Ones
Come to me
Opportunity and rewards I see
As I will, so mote it be!"

Meditate on the job you want as you gaze into the candle's flame. Still in the circle, fill your good luck jar with the herbs, stone, note and piece of paper with the fortune rune inscribed on it. Seal the jar with these words:

"Earth-born stone of brilliant hue
Your energy makes my dreams come true
Hearken to my deep desire
Amidst the candle's radiant fire
Herbs of luck, prosperity
Heed my call and bring to me
A better job, new opportunity
As I will, so mote it be!"

Shake the jar, seal it with a kiss and place it back on the altar. Ground and center Thank the God and Goddess Close the circle.

Each morning after, hold the jar while saying (or thinking):

"God and Goddess
Hear as I pray
Let good fortune come my way
Send me luck, prosperity
In my job search
So mote it be!"

Shake the jar a few times, seal it with a kiss and replace it on the altar. Once you have your job, bury the jar.

To Secure a Job


On the first night of the Waxing Moon, collect the above ingredients and go to a place where you can be undisturbed for at least 15 minutes.

Light the brown candle and place the rock in front of you. Next, get a business card that includes the name of the business. If you cannot obtain a business card, simply write the full name of the business on a small piece of paper. Write your full name on the back of the card or paper. Set the card on top of the rock and, with the yarn or cord, wrap the rock; making sure the business card is secure. Hold the rock within your hands and say this charm:

"As the Moon increases, So too will my job be secure.
With this, the spell is done."

Allow the candles to burn themselves out. The rock may either be placed with your magickal supplies or actually taken to work and hid in your desk or another safe place. Work as best and as hard as you can at your new job. By the Full Moon, the job will be secured.

Spell to do Well on a Job Interview

First visualize yourself shaking hands with your future boss. Light a green candle and chant the following:

"Success will come unto me.
Success will come so mote it be!"

Blow out the candle and visualize its energy leaving in search of new opportunities for you. On the day of your interview, visualize a purple light glowing from you that allows for all that come into contact with you to find you charming, witty, and talented.

A Spell for Employment

Holding the stone, imagine vividly the kind of job you want and the feelings you will have working there. Do not imagine names, the appearance, or other details which may limit your choices. Speak aloud the qualifications you have for holding such a job, and ask aloud that you have it in a certain amount of days. Raise power and charge the stone. The following day, have the stone or magnet with you as you make six job contacts. Make precisely six contacts a day until you have the job that you desire.


This is NOT a quickie.

Take one LARGE black candle, and write on it everything that opposes you in getting the job you desire (this could be fear, lack of experience, lack of contacts, whatever). Also take one piece of parchment paper and write the same things on it. Dress the black candle with Begone or some other banishing oil. Every night for nine nights, at 9 PM or midnight, burn the black candle while visualizing the obstacles disappearing.

On the ninth night, burn the parchment also. (Try to burn the candle so there is only about one hour or less left to burn out on the last night.) Then at 10 PM after the black candle has burned out, light a green glass candle that has been dressed with money drawing or success oil.

(Prior to this you will have focused on everything you want this new job to be - hours, days, location, salary, benefits,, etc. - be very specific. Write these things on a second piece of parchment.) The green candle will be burned for four nights, visualizing everything you wrote. On the fourth night also burn the second piece of parchment. On the fifth night burn a "thank you" candle - yellow, white, or orange, or the color that is significant to your favorite goddess.


If you cannot do the spell at night, it can be done at 9 AM or noon. Instead of one large candle you could also use nine individual black candles, and write something different on each one. The best timing would be to begin on the waning moon, and finish on the waxing moon, but the spell can be used any time.

The spell begins as soon as you conceive of it. If you get what you want before the ritual is over, complete the entire ritual anyway, including thanking the gods.

You want part one (the banishment) to end on the Dark Moon (the night BEFORE the New Moon), and you want part two (getting the job) to start on the New Moon. The Dark Moon is used for banishment and getting rid of. The New Moon is for new beginnings. Hence the timing noted.

On disposing of the ashes, this is what I suggest for part one. When I write and do a banishing ritual, I scatter the ashes to the winds. This is symbolic of the (obstacle, whatever) being scattered, and therefore removed. So, once the parchment has burned completely and the ashes are cool, take them outside and toss them into the air, letting the winds scatter them. The next best thing is to dump them into running water (no, not down the sink or toilet, but in a creek or river).

This would "wash" them away. For part two of the spell, I'm going on instinct. Something is telling me that the ashes and candle stub should be put in a box and left in a safe place. As long as they remain undisturbed, the job is secure. I'm not going to claim that this is correct, so anyone who does this spell should take care of the ashes according to their preference, teachings, and/or instinct.




"The ancient ones above,
Hear my plea.
This job I want,
I desperately need.
Blessed in oil,
and rolled in herbs.
Grant me this wish,
I so desperately deserve.
Give me this chance,
to prove myself.
So I may rely
on know one else.
As I lite my green candle,
this spell is set free,
this is my will,
so mote it be!"

Materials Needed

Mix the herb ingredients together. As you mix say the chant 3 times. Dress candle with good luck oil, add herb mixture to the candle, and say chant as you perform this process. Continue to say chant as you light the flame. Burn the candle for at least 45 minutes. Repeating chant as often as you like. If candle burns completely out, replace it, and follow the steps above.


Raven Witch


"Finding employment
is what I require,
as I chant these words
let me be hired.
I am honest and trustworthy,
so let them see
this is my will,
so mote it be."

Dress dark green candle with money oil. Burn for 45 minutes everyday for 2 weeks. Then you may burn once a week for 1 month. If candle burns out, replace with another, dress it, and resume the spell. Say chant as you are dressing the candle, lighting candle, and staring into the flame.


You will need:

Sprinkle the tool with the powders and wrap it with the ribbons, first one then the other afterwards, write on parchment paper with pencil the job that you desire and use it to wrap up the meats, take the tool and the packet with the meats to the railroad line and deposit it there, empty the three little bottles of gin or brandy at the same place and request your desire.

Find a Job Knot Spell

by: Jenna Tigerheart

To find a job in a tough market, light a green candle & wrap a green cord around a the base of a candle holder - away from the flame. send your energy into the candle, & let the cord absorb the energy. Tie 7 knots into the green cord while reciting the following statement:

"By knot of one this spell's begun,
By knot of two, my will is true.
By knot of three a job for me.
By knot of four, an offer in store.
By knot of five, my work thrives.
By knot of six, my spell is fixed.
By knot of seven, the power is given."

Spell for Employment


Cast your circle starting in the north. Invoke god of your choice, Cerunnos is the one I choose. Place bowl of salt in front of you and put the stone in it. Raise energy, the place energy into bowl. Explain the type of employment you seek, how much you would like to make and what you will do with the earnings. When done, take stone out and pass through the flame 3 times saying "employment" with each pass. Keep stone with you while searching for employment. Thank god and dismiss. Close your circle.

Spell To Get A Better Job

Therese Francis

To get a better paying job, light a red candle. Place your current paycheck stub & checkbook near the candle - 1 on the right & 1 on the left, not touching. Focus on the flame as an energy source. Take the paycheck stub in 1 hand & the checkbook in the other. As you imagine drawing energy from the candle, bring your hands together & see the energy transform the current paycheck stub to the amount you need to match your financial needs. Chant:

"Candle flame,
Energy being,
Bring to me
The job of my dreaming."


Goddess Candle, God Candle, Incense, Green Candle, Good Luck Oil, Black Candle, Banishing Oil Petitioner Candle

Build your altar. Place the Petitioner candle beneath the Goddess candle and place the green and black candles beneath the God candle. Light the incense. Anoint the black candle with banishing oil and say:

" Empower this candle to absorb all negative forces acting upon me.
As this candle burns, let it's powers engulf all obstacles in my way,
Leaving my path clear for success."

Light the black candle. Anoint green candle with good luck oil and say:

"I empower this candle to bring me good luck, prosperity, and success in acquiring a new and better job.
As this candle burns, so might it be a beacon for good fortune and prosperity."

Light the green candle. You need not anoint the petitioner candle, but focus strongly on this person (if it is yourself, see yourself in your new job) as you light it, saying:

"As this candle represents {name},
let it be a beacon for positive forces and energies.
As this candle burns bright,
So does the light of {names}'s heart burn bright with ambition
and desire for a new, better job."

Concentrate firmly, directing your power to the petitioner candle, which is receiving the energy from the green candle that is burning. After ten minutes or so of concentration, extinguish the candles in the reverse order in which you lit them. Each day, repeat the spell, moving the green candle two inches closer to the petitioner. Your spell is complete when the two candles touch.


This spell should be used only after you have submitted your resume or application. With a pin or sharp knife, write the name of the company(s) you want to work for on the side of a large green candle. On a red candle, you need to carve the victory rune (Tiwaz, it looks like an arrow pointing up) and your full name. Burn both candles for 30 minutes on Thursday after the sun sets, while visualizing yourself getting the kind of job you want. At the end of the 30 minutes, snuff the candles (do not blow them out).

Burn them each Thursday after that for 15 minutes until they burn out, or until you get the job. Dispose of the candles and leave a small bowl of milk outside overnight as an offering.

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