Gwen's Fanfic Corner

A collection of stories

Hello and welcome to Gwen's Fanfic Corner! A little place where I can put my written stories of Sam and Martouf. So to that end, I hope you enjoy the stories I've written! :D Email me at

Update: 10/18/04 - All chapters of 'We Love as One' should be up and running, thanks and hugs to my bro for being the computer nerd...uh...genius he is. ^.~ This website is best viewed with a screen size of 1024. by 768

Here is a collection of Stargate SG-1: Sam and Martouf stories that I've written:

Change of Fate
Love and Duty
All Right
Past Memories
I Want
You Never Knew
A New View
Getting to Know You *Unfinished and On Hold*

Finished:  We Love as One *Finished!*
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All stories on this site are copyrighted and belong to the authors.
Please ask permission if you wish to take/use them for your own purposes.
All caricatures on this page are courtesy of Lady Little Fox
and her website can be found at Lady Little Fox

The background, animated gifs, and pictures do not belong to me.
If you wish to know the sites where I got them, leave a message.