upcoming edition
thursday, october 23
You'll actually want listen to this week's show as James and Will prepare to give away a gift certificate to Chipotle.  An interesting fact about James and Will's Happy Hour in relation to Chipotle, when James eats there he farts alot, but that is no deterant from the awsome delectibilities that are presented to the patron of any Chipotle location throughout the Twin Cities.
Basic Points to be Covered This Week

This week we'll be making fun of rabbits and we'll have a short discussion about the ethics of betting on midget football. 

If Dr. Davenport joins us this week we'll be having to raise our standards a little bit, consequently we'll be short on things to say.  This could result in a decision to end the show early.  We'll see.
We'll also have...oh forget it, you're just gonna have to tune into the show.  The truth is we have no idea what we'll being talking about (or making fun of).