I will show you some awesome links that I know and that you will like! If you want to make a website of your own then there is one that will help you with making it.
HOME I will show you all about my life. What I do outside of school. All of my friends, my family and my favorite things.
 L.A.  Language Arts We are just upon June and our teacher is rally putting the coal into the fire. we have a poetry project and many other things.
 MATH In math we are doing perimeter, area, Problem Solving. Every time one gets 70% or less, then they have to do the rest of the page and it is due tomorrow.
SCIENCE So far in science we have done many projects like a marshmallow tower. But now in science we have had to build a 50cm or more bridge out of limited supplies.
ART for art we have been making commercials for a drama section. For now we are doing the
P.E.  Physical Education For Physical Education we are in the section of just any thing we play dodge ball, British baseball, and any other game we can think of.
SOCIAL STUDIES for Social Studies we are doing Heritage Fair. We started Heritage Fair in February and now it is don we have started the end of the year project.
COMPUTERS In Computers we are were making this web page and we are printing off a lot of stuff for the bridge building in Science.