Title: Chapel's Dream:  Fire Fantasy
Author: Jane (jat_sapphire)
Contact: jat_sapphire@yahoo.com
Series: TOS
Rating: G
Type:  poem
Codes: Cha, S
Summary:  More a fantasy, this time--what Chris was thinking when she stood over Spock as he slept in "Amok Time."

Disclaimer: Except for this heading, there's no explicit mention of copyrighted material, but the characters and episodes of Star Trek belong to Paramount.  Please don't sue me.

Fire Fantasy

It's now that I must memorize you -- now I must burn
you into my eyes:  the grain of your hair,
the smooth carving of your cheek and neck,
glossy as honey I long to put my lips to,
and consume you.

You sigh and turn your head away.  Don't wake --
the glint of your lashes could light me like a fuse.
What dream is it that flickers so in you?
Who are you near when you reach out your hand
and bring it back?

Let me, let me touch you in your dreams
as I touch you in mine, like a flint,
a match, a taper, and let the driftwood of you
catch flame, spark colors -- and wake then.


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