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Signs of Fall

Study seasonal changes around the world!


Our class participated in a collaborative Internet project hosted by Nancy Schubert and Angie Bader.   We observed and compared the changing seasons for five consecutive weeks with other classes around the globe.

Each week, students :

Using their published observations in our weekly Internet observation journal , students:

  • Analyzed the season's progress in their hemisphere,
  • Compared seasonal changes in other longitudes and latitudes to their own.

Here are the entries our class submitted for the project.


Our introduction!

32:31N    94:46W

Hello from Longview, Texas. We are in Mrs. Baker's Second Grade class at Pine Tree Elementary School. Our class has 20 students, 11 girls and 9 boys. There are about 400 students on the elementary campus of first and second graders.

Even though the season is officially fall, we are still having warm days in Longview. Hopefully, soon it will cool off and begin to feel like fall. The daytime temperature ranges from 55* F in the morning to 80* F in the afternoon.

Longview is located directly east of Dallas and west of Shreveport, La. We are located in the Piney Woods of East Texas. This name is appropriate because we have many pine trees in our area. As a matter of fact, our school district is named Pine Tree because it was started many years ago under a large pine tree.

We look forward to sharing the first signs of fall with your classes and comparing the differences between our community and yours.

WEATHER/SKY/TEMPERATURE: This week the temperature was unusually warm. The average high for the week was 92* and the low was 49*. The skies were blue until Saturday. A storm blew across Texas bringing lots of rain and cooler temperatures.

LAND & WATER: The grass is still green, but we don't have to mow as often as we did a month ago.

PLANTS: The leaves are beginning to change color. There are still many leaves on the trees.

ANIMALS: Squirrels are scurrying around to find food to store.

PEOPLE: We still can wear our summer clothes to school, but some students brought a light jacket for the morning.

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WEATHER/SKY/TEMPERATURE: The weather is cooling off a little. The high temperature is around 85* and the low is around 60*. There were a few rainy days this week.

PLANTS: The trees are still pretty and green. Many people are putting fall mums around their houses to get ready for fall.

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