Mass. Decisions, 1-620 N.E.2d    612 N.E.2d 631, 415 Mass. 112, Com. v. Amir...
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                                 415 Mass. 112 
                      Violet AMIRAULT & another. (FN1)   
                   Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, 
                            Argued Dec. 10, 1992.   
                             Decided May 4, 1993. 
   The Superior Court, Middlesex County, granted defendants' motions to revise 
or revoke their sentences, and Commonwealth appealed.  The Supreme Judicial 
Court, Abrams, J., held that:  (1) Commonwealth has right to appeal judge's 
allowance of motion to revise or revoke sentence, and (2) in considering 
requests for revision of sentences, judge may not consider denial of parole. 
   Vacated and remanded. 
   Liacos, C.J., dissented with opinion. 
1.   CRIMINAL LAW k1024(9) 
      110    ---- 
      110XXIV  Review 
      110XXIV(D) Right of Review 
      110k1024     Right of Prosecution to Review 
      110k1024(9)    Nature or grade of offense and extent of penalty.   
Mass. 1993. 
   Commonwealth has right to appeal judge's allowance of motion to revise or 
revoke sentence.  Rules Crim.Proc., Rule 29, 43C M.G.L.A.;  M.G.L.A. c. 211, 
Sec. 3;  c. 278, Sec. 28E. 
      284    ---- 
      284II    Parole 
      284k45     Authority or Duty to Grant Parole or Parole Consideration 
      284k47       Discretionary nature.   
Mass. 1993. 
   Granting of parole is discretionary act of parole board. 
      92     ---- 
      92III    Distribution of Governmental Powers and Functions 
      92III(B)   Judicial Powers and Functions 
      92k71        Encroachment on Executive 
      92k72          In general.   
Mass. 1993. 
   Granting of parole is function of executive branch of government. 
4.   CRIMINAL LAW k996(3) 
      110    ---- 
      110XXIII Judgment, Sentence, and Final Commitment 
      110k996    Amendment or Correction of Record 
      110k996(3)   Proceedings and determination;  resentencing procedure.   
Mass. 1993. 
   In considering requests for revision of sentences, judge may not consider 
denial of parole.  Rules Crim.Proc., Rules 29, 29(a), 43C M.G.L.A. 
   Patricia M. Darrigo, Asst. Dist. Atty., for Com. 
   Juliane Balliro, Boston (Joseph J. Balliro with her), for defendants. 
   ABRAMS, Justice. 
   The Commonwealth appeals from a judge's allowance of the defendants' 
motions to revise or revoke their sentences.  On July 15, 1987, the judge 
sentenced each defendant to concurrent terms on multiple convictions of 
indecent[415 Mass. 113]  assault and battery on a child and rape of a child. 
(FN2)   On August 12, 1987, the defendants each filed a motion to revise or 
revoke the sentence pursuant to Mass.R.Crim.P. 29, 378 Mass. 899 (1979). 
   On June 24, 1992, the defendants requested that their rule 29 motions be 
heard.  On October 1, 1992, the trial judge held a hearing and allowed the 
defendants' motions.  The judge revised their sentences to 64 months with the 
remainder suspended for seven years under the supervision of the probation 
department.  The Appeals Court stayed the orders pending appeal.  We allowed 
the Commonwealth's application for direct appellate review.  We vacate the 
judge's orders, and order the original sentences be reinstated. 
   [1] The Commonwealth's right to appeal.    The defendants argue that the 
Commonwealth has no right to appeal the allowance of a motion brought pursuant 
to rule 29.  Rule 29(a) states:  "The trial judge upon his own motion or the 
written motion of a defendant filed within sixty days after the imposition of 
a sentence, within sixty days after receipt by the trial court of a rescript 
issued upon affirmance of the judgment or dismissal of the appeal, or within 
sixty days after entry of any order or judgment of an appellate court denying 
review of, or having the effect of upholding, 
------------------------- Page 612 N.E.2d 632 follows --------------------------
 a judgment of conviction, may upon such terms and conditions as he shall 
order, revise or revoke such sentence if it appears that justice may not have 
been done."    The defendants suggest that the omission of a specific right to 
appeal from the language of G.L. c. 278, Sec. 28E (1990 ed.), indicates a 
legislative intention to preclude the Commonwealth from appealing a judge's 
order on a motion to revise or revoke.  In addition, the defendants claim that 
the Commonwealth may not appeal under G.L. c. 278, Sec. 28E (1990 ed.), which 
[415 Mass. 114] states:  "An appeal may be taken by and on behalf of the 
commonwealth by the attorney general or a district attorney from the superior 
court to the supreme judicial court in all criminal cases from a decision, 
order or judgment of the court (1) allowing a motion to dismiss an indictment 
or complaint, or (2) allowing a motion for appropriate relief under the 
Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure."    The defendants argue that 
motions under rule 29 are not motions for appropriate relief.  We reject that 
   In Commonwealth v. Therrien, 383 Mass. 529, 420 N.E.2d 897 (1981), the 
Commonwealth sought to challenge a judge's order granting a defendant's motion 
for a finding of not guilty, pursuant to Mass.R.Crim.P. 25(b)(1).  The 
Commonwealth both appealed the judge's order and brought a complaint for 
relief under G.L. c. 211, Sec. 3.  We dismissed the complaint under G.L. c. 
211, Sec. 3, because we held that G.L. c. 278, Sec. 28E, gave the Commonwealth 
the right to appeal from the allowance of Mass.R.Crim.P. 25(b) motion.  Id. 
at 534, 420 N.E.2d 897.    We noted that the reference in G.L. c. 278, Sec. 
28E, "to a motion for appropriate relief must be read more broadly than to 
refer only to pretrial motions."    Id. at 535, 420 N.E.2d 897.    We 
determined that, in common parlance, motions under rule 30, requesting 
postconviction relief, were motions for appropriate relief under G.L. c. 278, 
Sec. 28E, and that, therefore, a motion for a required finding of not guilty 
under rule 25 also would be such a motion. (FN3)   Cf. Commonwealth v. 
Yelle, 390 Mass. 678, 684-685, 459 N.E.2d 461 (1984) (Commonwealth has no 
right to an interlocutory appeal from the allowance of a motion to admit 
   Then, in Commonwealth v. Layne, 386 Mass. 291, 435 N.E.2d 356 (1982), we 
allowed the Commonwealth to appeal a judge's revision [415 Mass. 115] or 
revocation of sentence, although we did not discuss the statutory authority 
for such an appeal.  We now hold that the allowance of a defendant's rule 29 
motion to revise or revoke his or her sentence is a "motion for appropriate 
relief under the Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure."    Consequently, 
G.L. c. 278, Sec. 28E, allowing the Commonwealth to appeal "a decision, order 
or judgment of the court ... (2) allowing a motion for appropriate relief 
under the Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure" is applicable. (FN4)   
Therefore, the Commonwealth has the right to appeal the judge's allowance of 
the rule 29 motions. (FN5) 
   The merits.    On May 6, 1992, LeFave had her first hearing before a parole 
board panel.  Her request for parole was denied unanimously.  Her appeal to 
the panel was denied on June 16, 1992, and LeFave failed to pursue any further 
administrative remedies.    
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 On June 4, 1992, Amirault had her first hearing before a parole board panel 
and her request for parole was denied unanimously also.  She did not appeal to 
the panel or pursue any other administrative remedies.  On June 24, 1992, the 
defendants asked the trial judge to rule on the rule 29 motions they had filed 
on August 12, 1987, the time of their convictions. (FN6)   The judge 
scheduled a hearing [415 Mass. 116] at which he noted:  "It would be the usual 
intention of a sentencing Judge to intend the Defendants to serve two-thirds 
of the sentence imposed, which would be 64 months, unless there was something 
about their service of their sentence which made them subject to a violation 
and led the [p]arole [b]oard to denying it, but policy considerations would 
not be a factor."    The judge ruled that he had intended at the time of 
sentencing to sentence the defendants to 64 months.  Consequently, he allowed 
their motions and revised the sentences to 64 months served with the remainder 
of seven years suspended under the auspices of the probation department. 
   The Commonwealth asserts that the judge improperly considered events taking 
place after sentencing when he considered and then allowed the rule 29 
motions. (FN7)   This, the Commonwealth suggests, was a usurpation of the 
role of the parole board which violates art. 30 of the Massachusetts 
Declaration of Rights, the doctrine of separation of powers. (FN8)   We agree. 
   [2][3] The granting of parole is a discretionary act of the parole 
board.  Lanier v. Massachusetts Parole Bd., 396 Mass. 1018, 1018, 489 N.E.2d 
670 (1986).  Woods v. State Bd. of Parole, 351 Mass. 556, 559, 222 N.E.2d 882 
(1967).  It is a function of the executive branch of government.  Stewart v. 
Commonwealth, 413 Mass. 664, 669, 603 N.E.2d 912 (1992).  Baxter v. 
Commonwealth, 359 Mass. 175, 179, 268 N.E.2d 670 (1971).  By allowing a motion 
to revise or revoke sentences when the parole board does not act in accordance 
with a judge's expectations, the judge is interfering with the executive[415 
Mass. 117]  function.  The judge cannot nullify the discretionary actions of 
the parole board. (FN9) 
   [4] The purpose of review under rule 29(a) is to "permit a judge to 
reconsider the sentence he has imposed and determine, in light of the facts as 
they existed at the time of sentencing, whether the sentence was just 
[emphasis in original].  Commonwealth v. Sitko, 372 Mass. 305, 313-314, [361 
N.E.2d 1258] (1977)."    Commonwealth v. Layne, supra, 386 Mass. at 295, 435 
N.E.2d 356.    See also Commonwealth v. Foley, 17 Mass.App.Ct. 238, 245, 457 
N.E.2d 654 (1983).  At the time of sentencing, 
------------------------- Page 612 N.E.2d 634 follows --------------------------
 the judge imposed sentences that he noted were within the guidelines.  In 
considering requests for revision of those sentences under rule 29 the judge 
may not consider the denial of parole. (FN10)   See Commonwealth v. Layne, 
supra, 386 Mass. at 295, 435 N.E.2d 356;  Commonwealth v. Sitko, supra at 
314.    See Mass.R.Crim.P. 29(a).  The judiciary may not act as a super-parole 
   We vacate the judge's orders and remand to the Superior Court where the 
original sentences are to be reinstated. 
   So ordered. 
   LIACOS, Chief Justice (dissenting). 
   The court today enlarges its prior decision permitting the Commonwealth to 
appeal the [415 Mass. 118] allowance of certain posttrial motions under the 
1979 amendments to G.L. c. 278, Sec. 28E (1990 ed.).  See Commonwealth v. 
Therrien, 383 Mass. 529, 420 N.E.2d 897 (1981). (FN1)   Thus, the court holds 
that the Commonwealth may appeal the allowance of a motion to revise or revoke 
a sentence brought pursuant to Mass.R.Crim.P. 29, 378 Mass. 899 (1979).  I 
adhere to the view that our Legislature did not intend the 1979 "housekeeping" 
changes to Sec. 28E to alter the long-established practice of allowing the 
Commonwealth to appeal from pretrial motions only.  See id., 383 Mass. at 
539-542, 420 N.E.2d 897 (Liacos, J., dissenting).  I also believe that the 
court today misapplies the principles announced in Therrien, from which 
decision I dissented, by reading into Sec. 28E another rule of law which the 
drafters of that statute never contemplated.  Accordingly, I dissent. 
   Section 28E allows the Commonwealth to appeal the allowance of "a motion 
for appropriate relief under the Massachusetts Rules of Criminal 
Procedure."    In Therrien, the court construed these words to encompass a 
postverdict motion for a required finding of not guilty brought pursuant to 
Mass.R.Crim.P. 25(b), 378 Mass. 896 (1979).  In support of its conclusion, the 
court noted that Mass.R.Crim.P. 30, 378 Mass. 900 (1979), expressly allows the 
Commonwealth to appeal the allowance of a motion for a new trial or a motion 
for release from confinement imposed in violation of the laws of the 
Commonwealth.  The court found that, "[i]n common parlance, such [posttrial] 
motions are motions for appropriate relief."    The court in Therrien 
reasoned that, because a criminal defendant may present the same legal 
questions under either rule 25 or rule 30, it "follows logically" that the 
Commonwealth should have the right to appeal the allowance of a motion brought 
under either of these rules.  Therrien, supra at 535, 420 N.E.2d 897.    The 
court noted that its desire "to find harmony and not discord in the 
cooperative effort of the Legislature and this court to coordinate statutes 
and rules involving procedural matters" lent further support to [415 Mass. 
119] the conclusion that Sec. 28E permits the Commonwealth to appeal from a 
posttrial motion.  Id. at 534, 420 N.E.2d 897. 
   While the Therrien court refused to confine Sec. 28E to pretrial motions, 
it also warned that "the Commonwealth may not appeal the allowance of every 
defense motion.  There are certain motions whose allowance must be treated as 
terminating the criminal prosecution without any right to appeal."    Id. at 
535, 420 N.E.2d 897.    This cautionary language squarely applies to the 
present case because none of the factors that supported the court's decision 
in Therrien is present here. 
   First, the legal issues raised by a rule 29 motion cannot be litigated 
under an independent rule of criminal procedure permitting appeals by the 
Commonwealth.  Thus, the Commonwealth's asserted right to appeal the revision 
or revocation of a sentence does not "follow logically" from its right to 
appeal similar legal questions raised pursuant to a different procedural 
route.  Therrien, supra.    Next, a rule 29 motion is not--"in common 
------------------------- Page 612 N.E.2d 635. follows -------------------------
motion for appropriate relief.  The court's analysis in Therrien evinced an 
understanding that only motions relating to the conduct of the trial itself, 
such as a rule 13 discovery motion or a rule 25 motion for a required finding 
of not guilty, qualify as such.  Rule 29 motions, on the other hand, concern 
the modification of the punishment imposed on the criminal defendant after the 
issue of his or her guilt has been determined. 
   Finally, today's decision does nothing to "coordinate statutes and rules 
involving procedural matters."    Therrien, supra at 534, 420 N.E.2d 897.    
As already mentioned, no rule of criminal procedure permits the Commonwealth 
to appeal the revision or modification of a sentence.  While language 
permitting the Commonwealth to appeal was added to rule 25 in 1983 after 
Therrien, rule 29 was never so amended.  See Reporters' Notes to 
Mass.R.Crim.P. 25 & 29, Mass.Ann.Laws, Rules of Criminal Procedure at 434 & 
473 (Law.Coop.1979 & Supp.1993).  The court's stated desire "to find harmony 
and not discord" between statutes and rules, therefore, [415 Mass. 120] should 
have prompted the court to disallow the Commonwealth's appeal in the present 
case.  Therrien, supra at 534, 420 N.E.2d 897. (FN2) 
   In sum, the court has ignored the limitations on the Commonwealth's right 
to appeal set forth in Therrien.    Today's standardless decision signals, I 
fear, a willingness to allow the Commonwealth to appeal from every defense 
motion brought under the rules of criminal procedure unless double jeopardy 
principles prohibit further prosecution.  Congress has explicitly adopted this 
rule with respect to Federal cases.  See 18 U.S.C. Sec. 3731 (1988).  Our 
Legislature, however, has drafted Sec. 28E so as to limit further the 
Commonwealth's right to appeal.  See Commonwealth v. Yelle, 390 Mass. 678, 
684, 459 N.E.2d 461 (1984).  The court's continuing dilution of our statute is 
regrettable.  I dissent. 
FN1. Cheryl Amirault LeFave. 
FN2. Violet Amirault was sentenced to two concurrent terms of eight to twenty 
   years on the rape convictions and three concurrent eight to ten year terms on 
   the indecent assault and battery convictions.   
   Cheryl LeFave was sentenced to three concurrent terms of eight to twenty 
   years on the rape convictions and four concurrent eight to ten year terms 
   on the indecent assault and battery convictions. 
FN3. In Commonwealth v. Therrien, supra, 383 Mass. at 531, 420 N.E.2d 897, 
   we noted that the double jeopardy clause of the Fifth Amendment to the 
   Constitution of the United States would not prevent the Commonwealth's appeal 
   in that case.  " '[W]hen a judge rules in favor of the defendant after a 
   verdict of guilty has been entered by the trier of fact, the Government may 
   appeal from that ruling without running afoul of the Double Jeopardy 
   Clause.'    United States v. Wilson, 420 U.S. 332, 352-353 [95 S.Ct. 1013, 
   1026, 43 L.Ed.2d 232] (1975)." 
FN4. Were the dissent to prevail, then in cases such as this, where a judge 
   abuses his or her judicial authority and violates art. 30 of the Massachusetts 
   Declaration of Rights by overruling the parole board, the abusive action would 
   go uncorrected.  Clearly, the Legislature did not intend any such result.  On 
   appeal, the public has a right to expect the Supreme Judicial Court to correct 
   any abuse of judicial power, if not under the statute, G.L. c. 278, Sec. 28E, 
   then at least under its superintendence powers.  See G.L. c. 211, Sec. 3. 
FN5. Because we conclude that G.L. c. 278, Sec. 28E, permits an appeal in 
   these circumstances, we do not discuss the relief available pursuant to G.L. 
   c. 211, Sec. 3. 
FN6. Each motion to revise or revoke stated that "said sentence is unduly 
   harsh in the circumstances of this case and that as a result, justice may not 
   have been done."    The Commonwealth argues that the motions were defective on 
   their faces because no affidavits supported the assertions and therefore the 
   notice provisions were not met.  Because we decide the case on different 
   grounds, and in the Commonwealth's favor, we do not address the Commonwealth's 
   argument that the motions were inadequate as filed. 
FN7. The Commonwealth does not argue that rule 29(a) requires a motion to 
   revise or revoke a sentence must be filed and decided within sixty days after 
   certain judicial determinations adverse to the defendant.  See supra at ----.  
   We therefore do not discuss that issue. 
FN8. Article 30 reads:  "In the government of this commonwealth, the 
   legislative department shall never exercise the executive and judicial powers, 
   or either of them:  the executive shall never exercise the legislative and 
   judicial powers, or either of them:  the judicial shall never exercise the 
   legislative and executive powers, or either of them:  to the end it may be a 
   government of laws and not of men." 
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FN9. We distinguish the case relied on by the defendants, Commonwealth v. 
   Foley, 17 Mass.App.Ct. 238, 457 N.E.2d 654 (1983).  In Foley, the Appeals 
   Court held that it appeared that justice may not have been done and allowed a 
   motion to revise the sentences to conform with the judge's intent.  Id. at 
   245, 457 N.E.2d 654.    The judge was aware of the parole regulations and 
   intended the defendant to be eligible for parole in eighteen months.  Id.  He 
   was mistaken, however, as to the length of time to which he would have to 
   sentence a defendant in order for the defendant to be eligible for parole in 
   eighteen months.  The Appeals Court therefore revised the defendant's sentence 
   to reflect the judge's intention as to parole eligibility.  Id. at 246, 457 
   N.E.2d 654.    That is not what the judge's order did in these cases.  To the 
   extent that Foley is inconsistent with our opinion, it is overruled. 
FN10. We recognize that, in imposing sentences, judges necessarily consider 
   parole eligibility dates.  Consideration of that factor after trial is not the 
   same as revision of sentences based on denial of parole. 
FN1. Prior to these amendments, Sec. 28E was construed to cover pretrial 
   motions only.  See Commonwealth v. McCarthy, 375 Mass. 409, 413, 378 N.E.2d 
   429 (1978). 
FN2. Commonwealth v. Layne, 386 Mass. 291, 435 N.E.2d 356 (1982), does not 
   support the court's decision because the Commonwealth's right to appeal was 
   not challenged in that case. 


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