The Ripper Code, by Nabil Shaban

Max, a little disabled man in a wheelchair, seems to be a nice respectable civil servant, whose job is to help the unemployed find work.

Except, he has a problem... he is addicted to sex...and so goes out every night, curb-crawling the Red Light areas of London, to pick up a prostitute...or two, spending nearly all his wages.

Another thing about Max... he fancies himself as a detective, and believes he has discovered the Ripper Code which has lead him to the true identity of Jack the Ripper.

But now Max's addiction to prostitutes has got him into trouble, not only with the police but also with a serial sex killer of prostitutes, who turns out to be a copycat of the bygone Jack the Ripper. Max has to employ the Ripper Code to try to identify and catch the new Whitechapel murderer before he kills again...again...again.

2008 is the 120th anniversary of the Whitechapel Murders in 1888. Nabil Shaban's new novel in 2008, "The Ripper Code" is a timely reminder that nothing has changed.

"...a wild mixture of good humoured banter, bloodthirsty murder, bizarre plotting and uncomfortable unusual book in that it doesn't ask itself to be taken at all seriously while doing some in-your-face things...."
- Bill Hamilton, A.M. Heath, literary agents

ISBN-13 978-0-9548294-2-1

Sirius Book Works publishing

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