Family Picture


   Riverview Bible Camp grounds, Chesley, Ontario June 17-19, 2005



Mom and Dad

My Photos

My Dedication







  A very special meeting place...

This is my roommate Jasmin...

Just in front of our cabin...

where the fields are ripe for harvest...

Getting ready for a wagon ride...

At the wagon...

Being away from the city was a real blessing...

The road looks like this from the wagon...

Seeing the cows from a distance as they enjoy the heat of the sun was amazing...

They all glanced at us as we were passing by...

This is where you could paddle boat...

Natalie tries to pat the donkey... but looking a bit scared? I don't think so...

Steve makes friends with the brown one...

Uh-oh... he gets it!  

This year's camping team as we get ready to head home...

Sir Emerson gets a snap...  

At the bus exhausted but happy ever...

See me smile... I'm coming home!!!

Updated by AGB - June 27, 2005






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