....the unofficial *Jack & Karen* site.... ....the unofficial *Jack & Karen* site.... the unofficial *Jack & Karen* site

w a l l p a p e r

Karen/Megan - 800 x 600

Click to enlarge. Right click on picture, then click "Set As Wallpaper" if you would like to use it. Hold mouse over the below images to learn more about the wallpaper.

'Colour My World' - From Megan's M&Ms commercial 'Beauty In Blue' - From 'Tea & Total Lack of Sympathy' 'Karen, Lyle, Lorraine - One Big Happy Family' 'Late Night Lovely' 'Pretty In Pink' - Or red or orange or blue - anything really, it's Megan! 'GLAAD Recipient' - Get it, she's glad and she's recieving a GLAAD award? Ha, ha, ha - oh, never mind 'Beautiful Bride' 'Megan' 'Funny Girl' 'Centre of the Universe' 'SAG Winner' 'Bored at the Awards' 'Live From New York...It's Megan Mullally!' - Version: Not Pink 'Live From New York...It's Megan Mullally!' - Version: Pink 'Megan Hosts' 'Megan's Monologue' - Wasn't she faaaaaaabulous?! 'Lickable' - Slightly fake...only slightly ;) 'Megan & Carson' - A great pair, perfect! 'The Happy Couple' - Megan and new husband Nick 'Red Hot' - A companion with the Debra wallpaper 'Cool Blue' 'Happy Girl' 'Ray of Light' 'Beauty' 'Wedding Woman' 'Pure Joy' 'Simply Megan' 'Flowers & a Ring' 'Golden Girl' 'Glow' 'In Style 1' 'In Style 2' 'In Style 3' 'Something Blue' 'Megan Mullally - Lifetime Achievement Awards' 'On the Dance Floor' 'Ready For Botox' - Karen from 'The Needle and the Omelet's Done' 'Lorraine vs. Karen' - The loves of Stanley Walker's life 'Things To Do' - Karen's got a lot of plans 'Karen at the Wedding' - One of four Jack & Karen promo wallpapers based on a picture from 'Marry Me A Little More' 'Megan on CMT 1' - Promos from Megan hosting CMT 'Megan on CMT 2' - Promo from Megan hosting CMT 'Karen In Mourning' - Karen at a funeral - doesn't she look happy? ;)  'Karen - May Divorce Be With You' - One of three wallpapers from a promo from this episode  'Woah!'  'Wedding Karen 1'  'Wedding Karen 2'  'Christmas Megan'  'Megan Mullally' 'M&M' - Megan & Madonna in pictures from 'Dolls And Dolls' 'Early Megan' - Early Megan promo pic, with a faint glow 'Me & My Guy' - Megan and her 2003 SAG award 'Fabulous' - Megan promo shot from NBC.com 'Passionate Karen' - A fanart wallpaper featuring Karen's head on the body of a star of the soap 'Passions' 'Karen & Her Pet' 'Karen & a Drink' - Classic picture 'Wow! I'm a Goddess!' - I have no idea where this quote came from, but doesn't it fit? ;) 'Box - Karen' - One in a series of four 'Special Guest-Star' - Picture of Megan's guest-appearance on '3rd Rock From The Sun' 'She Is Beautiful' - I love this Megan picture! 'Yellow Karen' - Crop of Megan from a group picture, with fancy geometry background 'Megan In Out' - The three Megan pics from the January 2003 issue of Out magazine...isn't she beautiful? 'She Can Sing, Too' - Picture of Megan singing from Out magazine 'Goddess' - Megan. Is. A. Goddess. 'Ms. Mullally' - Yep, I'm using these Out pictures as much as I can 'Karen' - This wallpaper idea came to me when I was testing out new fonts I had downloaded 'When I Was 17...' Beautiful picture of Megan at 17 from Seventeen Magazine 'Karen's Advice to Teenagers' - Same beautiful Megan picture, along with her advice to teenagers, which was posted on Seventeen.com 'Karen Walker' - One of four wallpapers featuring early cast promo pictures 'Megan as Karen' - Another simple, yet nice wallpaper 'In The Green' 'Wild Woman' - Scanned photo of Megan from Entertainment Weekly 'The Early Days' 'Megan Love' 'Karen' - Simple, yet elegant 'Megan' - Look achieved using brush effects in Adobe PhotoShop 'Like A Rose...' 'Megan Mullally in The Pact' - Closeup shot of Megan in the poster for 'The Pact', along with a quote from the poster 'The Pact' - Simple scan of a poster for 'The Pact' 'Megan Boxed In' 'The Sum of Her Parts' - Beautiful shot of Megan, combined with pictures of various body part from her website 'Karen Wallpaper 1 By Liz' 'Karen Wallpaper 2 By Liz' 'Karen Wallpaper 3 By Liz' 'Beauty Defined' - This is such an amazing picture of Megan, I had to make it a wallpaper 'Picture Perfect' - Beautiful shot of Megan surrounded by a so-so frame 'She's A Star' - A fun frame for a fun lady 'Circular' 'Picture Perfect 2' - Pretty similar to the previous wallpaper, just with a different frame 'Elegance' - Another brush-effects wallpaper, but much simpler 'Describing Karen' - One of four wallpapers containing the casts' quotes about their characters from a 'Dateline' special. 'Old Navy' 'Megan Mullally' 'Blue Woman' 'Karen & Megan' 'Backstage Shots' - A combination of shots from Megan's website 'Megan M' - Ew, I love this shot but I hate the bigger blurred image 'So Alluring' - Close up shot of Megan from her Allure photo 'Classy Lady' - Ah, now this version of the picture I like much better 'Classic Karen' 'Goddess' 'Megan & Willa' - Aww!

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